German politicians seem to have become the victim of a massive Hacker attack. The multiple media reports consistently. Private data should be published – also celebrities.

9.57 PM: The mass publication of sensitive personal data, in the assessment of Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) is a “serious attack”. “The authors want to damage confidence in our democracy and its institutions,” said Barley on Friday. The perpetrators need to quickly and may have political motives of its security is determined. “Criminals and their backers may determine, no debates in our country,” said Barley.

of The SPD Bundestag deputies Helge Lindh learned on Thursday of the alleged hacking attack on him and many other politicians. He had been informed of the Details he knew, but still said Lindh on Friday, the German press Agency. In addition, it is not clear whether and what of the widespread data genuine and new, because it is already the beginning of 2018, the victim of a Hacker attack. Everything will now be examined, said the people’s Deputy from Wuppertal.

first message of Friday, 7 p.m.

Berlin Since Thursday evening, great excitement prevails in the German Bundestag. The reason is that hackers should have a mass of personal data of politicians leaked. The multiple media reports.

The data appears to have been widespread already before Christmas on the Internet, but the Leak was noticed only in the course of Thursday evening. As the rbb-info radio reported, had affected all parties represented in the Bundestag, except for the AfD. Therefore a mobile phone should be numbers and addresses have been published, but also highly personal data such as credit card information, letters and, apparently, even your private Chats from the family circle of the politicians. The data was distributed via a Twitter Account. The owner of this account, sitting in Hamburg and describes himself as an artist.

Hacker attack in Germany: Even celebrities affected

It should not only be politicians of the Leak affected but as the picture also reports of celebrities and journalists. Among other things, Jan böhmermann, and Marteria to be among the Victims, as well as numerous journalists from ARD and ZDF. It should, apparently, be the largest data leak of German history.

the politicians have it made according to the tabloid, Robert Habeck (Green) is particularly difficult. Of him an essential “part of the digital communication with his family was put sahabet giriş into the net”.

According to the image initial studies have shown that the hackers are using Outlook (the Email program from Microsoft) gave access to the data. In the meantime, the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) has, according to the tabloid with the case. It is to be in contact with foreign intelligence services. Who attack exactly is behind the hack, and whether there was support from abroad, is not yet known.

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