Aldi, Lidl and Netto warn their customers currently highly dangerous bacteria in a discount store product. The should consumers know now.

Due to Salmonella, the company calls back Eifrisch in many States, cage-free eggs. Affected eggs with the print number 2-DE-0351691 and of minimum durability data from the 19. – 24. In December 2018, informed the company from Lohne (lower Saxony) on Wednesday.

also read: callback on net: Salmonella Alarm in Christmas product

callback at Aldi, Lidl and Netto: Nausea, Vomiting and diarrhea possible

The eggs are berries in the net in Bremen and part of Niedersachsen, in the case of Lidl in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, in the case of Aldi Nord in the regional companies, Horst and large, in the case of Rewe in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg as well as in the country of purchase in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia have been sold.

A government investigation had detected in the eggs of Salmonella. The consumption could lead to Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, said Eifrisch. The company has let the eggs as a precautionary measure from the shelves, remove. Consumers should return it or dispose of it.

Also interesting: shock at Aldi, the customer makes disgusting discovery, and threatens to not calm down

pregnancy! Recall of a anti-baby pill

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer has recalled several batches of its anti baby pill Trigoa back. It unwanted pregnant threaten.

net sold Zebra Steaks and item brings to the customer on the palm

At Christmas, ends up in many households during the festive meal of meat on the table. Beef, game, poultry – and when it comes to the discount retailer net a Zebra Steak. Some customers bring on the palm.

call back due to a health hazard! Warning-Penny-product

recall the Discounter Penny: A product from the food product range can be dangerous. For Allergy sufferers there is a great risk.

callback: Popular organic product can cause deadly poisoning

natural food retailers and Healthy life, warns Betkanyon of a popular organic product from their product range. It can lead to severe poisoning.

callback at Lidl, Penny and Real because of Salmonella-suspected: Popular product

affected A company recalls nationwide, one of the most in-demand products. Several batches seem to be affected.

Lidl continues expansion course in the USA

by the Way, Lidl continues its course of expansion in the United States. The German discounters will take over 27 stores of the regional supermarket chain Best Market in the States of New York and new Jersey, such as the United States-announced Headquarters of Lidl on Friday. Details of the purchase price have not been made.

Lidl had opened in June of 2016, its first Store in the United States, meanwhile, there are already more than 50. They are all located on the East coast.

Update from 10. December 2018: Caution! Henkel returns to cleaning products – a health hazard

consumer beware! Henkel call two cleaning agents. These products are affected. AND Popular chocolate product recalled: consumption can lead to injuries
