The rent is suppressed more than a Million households in Germany, a report according to which, under Hartz IV level.

a study commissioned by the social Association of Germany, will have to spend Poorer, as measured by the household income also significantly more for the Living than the normal earners and the Rich. “The rental development deepens the social divide in our society,” criticized the President of the Association, Adolf Bauer.

half of The house hold in Germany, the investigation revealed that at least 29 percent of their net income for gross rent. In the case of low earners with less than 1300 euros of household income, this percentage is 46% – so significantly higher. For those who net more than 4500 euros in the month, it must spend only 17 percent for Housing.

The report is based on data from the years 2014 and 2015. Newer Numbers there are to rent, so the Rent, the landlord in case of a relocation request, said study author Stephan Junker is a Berlin-based social scientist. The decisive factor for the burden of the poor households were rent, so the Rent of the long-term tenants.

PARTICULARLY HIGH rent burden have according to the study, it is not only poor but also Single-parent families, pensioners, people with a migration background, with low levels of education and also Singles. They all give an above-average amount for the rent. It Casinomaxi was unclear whether or not the sun alone on a low income, or whether discrimination plays a role, said Junker. Especially in the case of tenants with a migration background there is evidence.

the LACK of HOUSING is the main problem. Estimated to be used in Germany more than 1.9 million additional affordable housing. The lead, for example, that many income-lived weak to rent, in unsafe conditions, often with fixed-term leases, says the study.

FAMILIES IN TO SMALL APARTMENTS: so Far, it was known Bahis that small apartments for Singles, retirees or small families are missing. According to the study, there is a lack of large, affordable apartments. One in four households live in to a confined space, said study author Junker. Children must share a room with several siblings, parents sleep in the living room, because the have enough money for more square footage.

REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: Depending on where in Germany you live, weighs the lease charge for poor families in different ways. In Frankfurt, they spend a significantly higher portion of household income than in Iserlohn in North Rhine-Westphalia.

WHAT to DO? The social Association calls for more social housing – the government must take much more money in the Hand, said farmer. As things currently Stand, the Federal government wants to support the countries by 2021, with at least five billion euros. More than 100,000 new social homes to be built.

At the same time, tens of thousands were lost but also every year, social housing, criticized the housing policy spokesman of the Greens in the Bundestag, Chris Kühn. He called for more housing money for Hartz IV recipients, a better brake on Rent prices and less strong rent increases for long term tenants. The Berlin tenants ‘ Association wants that cooperatives, municipal housing companies and landlords who offer their apartments particularly advantageous to be strengthened.
