toilet paper dm has triggered a Hype – some of the customers bought a huge amount. The product is now even traded on ebay.

Munich – The drugstore chain dm has met with a Limited Edition of toilet paper, apparently a nerve with the customer. The toilet paper since the end of December 2018, in the trade, many customers – especially dog lovers – hot demand.

This is the funny Design of toilet paper: It is printed with drawings of a pug, which is adorned with a flower wreath on his head and a striped Shirt. In a speech bubble, the cute pug “”I love you “says” to his viewers.

hamster purchases at dm: pug-toilet paper is a Hit

social networks many pictures of pug circulate crazy customers who bought the Toilet paper dispensers in stock.

Many customers were excited about the funny subject: “It’s just awesome! You have a hell of a Hype when all the mops triggered stupid and makes so many people happy. Please and like more of it.“

A customer wrote to the dm Facebook wall with a twinkle in his eye: “Woe to you take the back out of the program.” However, this desire of pug-Fans is not likely to come true: An employee of the drugstore chain, wrote under the Posting: “Unfortunately, this is only a Limited Edition. We have forwarded all the requests but would like to.“

Hype about the toilet paper: dm-product at ebay

Some customers commented on Facebook, but also disappointed because they could get no more packs or the toilet paper store is not in your dm not available: “to get In the North of Germany,” wrote a customer sad.

For the disappointed pug Fans but there is a last solution: The product is now offered on ebay! Apparently, customers have recognized the Hype DC and Mops toilet paper on stock bought to sell it now.

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