Who wants to go to Aldi on a bargain hunt, it should be fast. Now a customer reveals a secret trick.

Reduced clothes, food or electrical appliances – the offers of the discounters are Wühltischen customers in hot demand. It is not rare, therefore, that on the first day of offer is already in front of sold-out shelves.

However, an Internet user revealed on the Facebook page of Aldi Süd, how to go from the Discounter successful bargain hunting, and even be able to sleep in. “Who would like to buy at Aldi-Süd goods, does not have to get up early. He should be on the previous day, in the early evening in the store,“ wrote the Aldi customer in a Post. So you could buy everything alone, and on the day of offer get to sleep in. A slightly angry undertone in this Post, easily.

Aldi claims that only Perishable go the day before in the sale

But whether that’s really true? Aldi Süd denies it anyway. “We don’t know where you could watch, but this is the rule,” said an Aldi employee the Post. “The only perishable items that may be brought in the day before in the sale room.” Among the Facebook users, there is disagreement on whether the action were really to be offered on the previous day.

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What a bargain Aldi on Monday in the offer, you can read Merkur.de*.

“bullshit. This is only for Food items. In the case of Non-Food will get to you as there is no happiness,“ claimed a User. “I must speak to you, in Düsseldorf, the Non-Food stuff are already on the eve of from about 18 o’clock,” responded another user, in turn, on the comment.

The Facebook-user is upset because Aldi were out of stock deals on the first day

another Facebook user said that some of the actions items that must be sold in advance. They are either not available in sufficient quantity or it is expected that the demand was particularly high. Was able to calm the commentator the Facebook users did not. To him, it is not apparently happened several times already that on the first day of action clothes in his size was available, even though it was early in the morning already at walmart. And the Facebook User is not the only customer who raises allegations against Aldi.

Aldi Süd was the angry customers, therefore, a piece of advice: If he have several times found the action goods, such as clothing was already on the previous day at the sale table, he should send a Mail to Aldi Süd. Then, the group intends to give to the colleagues of the concerned branch, the case for review. Thus, the bargain is likely to have been hunting for a long sleeper then but done.

What products are likely to soon disappear permanently from the Aldi range, read in merkur.de*.

Also interesting: Yet another Trick may help, at Aldi cheap deals.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.