“A man was there all the time, his face was smashed, and he didn’t even watch any of it.” He was too busy shouting at fans that they should be standing up, and ended up in a fight with another one that is right behind mine,” Mike, 42, said during an episode of “The Good, The Bad, & The Rugby” podcast. It was Tuesday, July 13.

He talked about how he ended having to end a fight after Italy beat England on Sunday, July 11.

“It reached a point where this guy literally tried to pile this guy in his face. He noted that there was a child next to us and another kid who was crying because he couldn’t see the game due to all the men standing in the galleyway. “And I just pulled the guys apart and said to one of them, “What are you doing?” “And I just pulled these guys apart, and said to one of them, ‘What are you doing?’ And he wandered off with blood all over him. “The guy on the ground had blood all over him.”

Mike, who shares Mia (7-years-old), Lena (3-3 years) and Lucas (3-3 months) with Zara (40), was happy that his children weren’t there.

Mike said, “If I had been there with my children, I wouldn’t have been so happy about it.” “Walking down Wembley Way, the amount just s-t litter, was a disgrace. It seemed like people didn’t care about anything.” Mike added. Although it is a minority, it’s the only thing you can remember.

The behavior of fans and how it reflected on England disappointed the former athlete.

“It undermines what England has done, and that’s my biggest shame. He said that he believes they have really rallied the country after a very bad period. “It feels like something is broken.”

Prince William He also expressed his dismay at the “racist abuse”Several playersHe witnessed the game while he was thereWith Prince George and Duchess Kate

“I am disgusted by the racist abuse directed at England players following last night’s match.” This is unacceptable. Players must endure this disgusting behavior,” the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, 39, tweeted Monday, July 12. It must end immediately and all parties involved should be held responsible.

William, the President of the Football Association, congratulated Italy on their win over England in the soccer match.

“Heartbreaking. “Congratulations @Azzurri for a great win,” he wrote in an Instagram post right after the game. “@England you have all come so far but unfortunately this time it wasn’t our turn. All of you can hold your heads high and be proud of yourself — there is more. W