Jörg tile man gets to Rundumschag. On Twitter, the TV meteorologist makes his Anger properly air – and rages even against his colleagues.

Normally, only a few Hundred characters on Twitter available around the world courses at the own thoughts to share. Too little for Jörg Kachelmann. The celebrity meteorologist was upset just right and according to several Tweets needed to make his anger air.

What are some of his colleagues on the subject of climate think change, prompted by Jörg kachelmann, a verbal kick butt and take names.

weather expert tile man: the topic of forest fires is the trigger for his temper tantrum

It’s just the theme of the forest, which has brought the tile man on the palm tree – or the connection between forest fires and climate change, to be exact. Represented, in his opinion, namely usually completely wrong.

For Jörg Kachelmann, it is indeed “funny-scharlataneske[…] the structures from the potsdämlich-professorial world [ … ] that so very desperate to find a connection between heat and forest fires, construct”.

The leave, however, is not so fully recover. So the tile man argued that high temperatures must not mean necessarily fire, if there is in the affected area, however, and sufficient amounts of rain.

His Thesis he demonstrates with the example of California and leads to measured values of kachelmannwetter.de . On the basis of which the well-known TV meteorologist explains, “the 35-45 degrees’t care”, because, despite the weeks – and months-long heat would prevail in California no drought Mr. After all, it had been raining there again and again, which is why even now nothing would burn.

Very “on the contrary”, from leading tile man continued: “In an average year, a ten times larger area is burned in comparison to 2019″.”

Jörg tile man: weather expert brings to the all round impact and engages professors

to be able to understand or judge the rich, according to Jörg tile man actually common sense. What he can do, however, apparently did not understand, would try, why “funny German professors”, then “desperate”, “a connection not there”. But the answer he afterwards delivers himself: “Because when it comes to climate change so far only the temperature increase is relevant. […] And because some people Seriously believe that the heat of the forest caused by fires, it works“.

weather expert tile man said that climate researchers

Fast, the TV meteorologist has found two targets, in his view, a gross misjudgment proclaim – namely, the professors Volker Quaschning and Stefan Rahmstorf. On the two the angry 61 and it is linked to-Year-old also still the same in his Tweet. Is meant by the attack, apparently, also of the Potsdam climate impact turned-researcher Stefan Rahmstorf, the tile man in July. It was a question of whether shards of glass in the woods can actually trigger fires.

weather/climate: the User respond with a divided opinion on angry tile man-Tweets

The tile man-Tweets seem to be some users finds it disturbing. “What right have you to insult the Worst of their opponents. Thus, you have to shoot all the time into the Offside and way of shifting the discussion from the topic,“ before throwing his opponent and mean he should not be surprised later on against the wind.

tile man is itself attacked by some, and according to his own word creations with evil statements carefully. As a “school physics Tarzan with right hirniger causal relationship weakness and verzwergtem logic center” is he even named. Other Twitter Users to jump him, however. “He’s back, just as good as before,” offers his Fans, grateful for his explanations and beg him to continue.

climate warming: weather expert tile man announces detailed explanations

this desire Jörg tile man wants offspring, apparently, actually. So he announces that he is going to take apart the whole subject in more detail when they have time. Well, since you can already ready.

It’s not the first swear-rant from Jörg tile man. Thus, the heat tips from the fire Department, which he considered “bullshit” were it the last for example. Prior to that, he was sharing on Twitter against the media and weather colleagues out.