Tyrus Wong, who delivered the first sketches for the Disney animated film “Bambi”, would now become a proud 108-year-old. The 1910 in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in poor conditions-born Wong immigrated in 1919 with his father in the United States. His love for Drawing, he developed early, when his father encouraged him to try with water colors in calligraphy on newsprint. Later, he dropped out of school in California, to a scholarship to an art College in Los Angeles.

His sketches impressed Walt Disney

For Disney customized Wong first of all, hundreds Mickey-mouse-drawings and tried to a deer in the forest, when he learned of plans for the Film “Bambi”. Its simple, from the Song dynasty in Imperial China-influenced sketches, rich mountains and forests impressed Walt Disney (1901-1966). They provided the basis for the successful Film, which tells the life story of a young white-tailed deer, according to the book of the Austrian writer Felix Salten.

After he stopped in 1942 at Disney, drew Wong Onwin for Warner Bros, where he remained until retirement age. In addition, he designed a number of successful Christmas cards for Hallmark. In 1946, he got the American citizenship. In retirement he discovered the construction of kites as a Hobby.

the Google Doodle in the style of Tyrus Wong

Wong died on may 30. December 2016, with 106 years. “Even though tyre worked only three years, between 1938 and 1941 at the Walt Disney Studios, can not be overstated his influence on the artistic design of the animated movie Bambi,” said the Disney Museum in San Francisco on the occasion of his death.

Google honors Tyrus Wong on the occasion of his birthday posthumously with a Doodle. In a Wong-style animated cartoon Video of the life of the signer is signed, literally: