Each week, the Express presents you with a selection of articles read by professional actors, intended to be listened to on your phone.

The Express offers you discover free of charge a part of its offer exclusively to subscribers : articles audio. Listen to for you a selection of articles read by professional actors with, for example, this survey of professor Didier Raoult. A man became famous by promoting, perhaps rightly, chloroquine to combat the coronavirus, but which, contrary to its caption, was not that of a rebellious loner. It is on the contrary an influential man who, in the course of his career, was able to build the networks in which it is used today.

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The Express audio available : the offensive digital anti-vaccines The Express audio offered : musician, rastafarian, and minister, it is possible to Express audio available : the little death of the desktop, a chronicle of Nicolas Bouzou

The Express offers to its subscribers to listen to the entirety of the magazine on the eve of its release on newsstands on Thursday : the weekly version of audio, five hours of listening to music from the application, even in non-connected mode

For access to the full Express audio, download the application Express and subscribe, the first month is free.