Each week, the Express presents you with a selection of articles read by professional actors, intended to be listened to on your phone.

The Express offers you discover free of charge a part of its offer exclusively to subscribers : articles audio. Listen to for you a selection of articles read by professional actors. Example with this survey on the manner in which the data of our phones could be used to control the movement of infected people speaks coronavirus.

In the world, more than a dozen countries have already taken the plunge. In Singapore, a applicationavertit users when they encounter an infected person. In Poland,the individuals in quarantine may receive at any time a message leurintimant to take a selfie geolocated in order to prove that they comply with lesmesures health. In France, Edouard Philippe has opened the way mercredidevant the parliamentary mission to such a tracing of the population. In précisantqu’it would be reserved exclusively for volunteers.

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The Express audio available : the offensive digital anti-vaccines The Express audio offered : musician, rastafarian, and minister, it is possible to Express audio available : the little death of the desktop, a chronicle of Nicolas Bouzou

The Express offers to its subscribers to listen to the entirety of the magazine on the eve of its release on newsstands on Thursday : the weekly version of audio, five hours of listening to music from the application, even in non-connected mode

For access to the full Express audio, download the app Express and subscribe, the first month is free.