What should change with the summer and winter time?

By the time change it will in the coming weeks, in the morning, before light, and in the afternoon, rather dark. The semi-annual exchange – in Germany, there is the time change since 1980 – is to be used the natural light better. The actual Benefit is, however, controversial. The office of technology assessment at the German Bundestag came in an analysis to the conclusion that the energetic aspects of fall with the time change. Many people complain instead about health problems during the transition. As examples of a lack of drive and sleep are mentioned problems.

What is the difference between standard time and winter time?

With winter time most of the German designate the time in Winter is valid. This corresponds to the normal time, so the legal time, which was prior to the introduction of summer time all year round. Winter time and standard time are therefore identical.

Why talk all about the time change?

In February of this year, the EU Parliament, the EU had mandated Commission on the future of the time change of thought. Then Brussels launched a non-representative online survey. And the result is a Bang – even if scientists have expressed doubts about the methodology. About 84 percent of the 4.6 million participants – approximately 3 million of them came from Germany – had voted against the time change. Then Jean had suggested-Claude Juncker, the proposal in the coming year: “The people want this, so we do that.”

time change (icon image): Soon, the clocks tick differently.

What time is so far in the EU?

so Far, the EU has three time zones: In Ireland, Portugal and the United Kingdom, Greenwich mean time, in 17 EU countries – including Germany – Central European time (CET), one hour behind. In a further eight countries in the Eastern European time, there is still an hour later. Since 1996, all member States have in each case at the end of March one hour to summer time and at the end of October for one hour to standard time, which many call the winter time.

What is the Plan of the EU Commission?

According to the current plans on the 31. March 2019 changed the last Time the clocks in the EU member States is mandatory. At the next appointment, the 27. October 2019, would be the time change for the member States on a voluntary basis. Then it would be up to the individual EU country to decide whether it is permanently summer or winter time. Theoretically possible then, that Germany decides to unlike neighbors such as the Netherlands or the Czech Republic.

A rag rug to avoid Brussels though. For this case, the EU Commission is afraid of the otherwise negative consequences for the Goods and services in the EU internal market. In any case, the governments of the member States and the Europe must agree to Parliament. And there are already reports of resistance in the member countries. So has spoken in Portugal, Prime Minister Antonio Costa for the half-year exchange to maintain.

What is the Position of the German government?

Recently has made Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) for a end of the time changeover in Europe and the permanent introduction of daylight saving time in Germany suggested. “The vast majority of people don’t want to rotate every six months to the watches, and most are looking for a permanent summer time,” he explained to the rationale. The Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), declared that he could imagine a permanent summer time “good”. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Matadorbet (CDU) has not commented yet on the topic. Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) declared that there would be no German exceptionalism. “I think it is relatively unlikely that we will make in going it alone,” says Barley.

What are the consequences could be threatened with even more time zones in Europe?

For the Deutsche Bahn would be permanently different time zones in Germany and its neighbouring countries, according to its own information, not a problem. The schedules for cross-border traffic would then have to be adapted at the holding stations in the abroad with the note “local time,” said a company spokesperson. The there today, such as in the case of long connections to Russia route.

more Problematic would it look like in the air traffic. The German aviation industry calls for a uniform regulation for the whole of Europe. “The threat of a patchwork of individual national arrangements, would bring the flight planning of airlines, airports and considerably upset,” said the Federal Association of the German aviation industry. It is the “acute risk” that is currently offered to flight connections “no longer to be so represented”, there is it is called by the Association.

What to say to a Sleep doctor?

The German society for sleep research and sleep medicine in favour of a retention of the normal time – that is, against a permanent summer time. The light of day and, in particular, the blue portion of sunlight is the “Main timer” for the internal clock of the human being and which is crucial for the sleep-Wake rhythm. All of this is ensured, according to the experts at the best through the winter time. By changeover to summer time a lack of sleep, the lead to concentration and loss of power, as well as more accidents, the threat.

In the Video: The inner clock – Like our body

Video BBC ideas against sleep problems and a Mini-jet lag: ticking Five tips for the time change

the time Could be conversion, because, technically, just get rid of this?

a clock for the time the atom are in Germany clocks of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig. On the transmitter, the signals are transmitted by the radio-controlled clocks automatically adjust to the time change. And according to the PTB for the abolition of the semi-annual changeover would be no Problem. You could implement any decision without significant expense, the authority.

This Time is changed in any case. There is extra money for night workers who must toil longer?

otherwise, workers will have to work in the night from Saturday to Sunday one hour longer. Because the employer had a legitimate claim to the fact that for him there are no gaps, it is called the German trade Union Federation (DGB).

When Employees work due to the time change longer, you will get the compensated according to the Overtime regulations. But it can be also individually different rules. Who is not sure, you can take a look in the employment contract or, where appropriate, the applicable collective agreement or the operating agreement, consult your.