The 76-year-old singer and actor Art Garfunkel has a lot of. “I feel young,” he said of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” (Saturday edition). “Artistically, a lot of me to expect. In some ways I’m even better than before.”

the New York-based artist with his life’s work, very satisfied. “I’m incredibly proud of my work. I’ve done over the years, really good work,” he said. Jestbahis “These beautiful albums, the song “Bright Eyes”, the films in which I played, and now the book,” he said. His autobiography “On the way” has recently been published in German.

Garfunkel and his musical Partner Paul Simon were famous as a Duo, Simon & Garfunkel in the 1960s, with Songs like “The Sounds Of Silence” and “Mrs. Robinson”. In 1970 they announced the separation, worked together but also later again and again. Garfunkel ended up in 1979 as a solo artist with “Bright Eyes”, again a Hit.
