As the first country in the world wants to prohibit the Pacific holiday Paradise of Palau to certain sun creams to protect its famous coral reefs. A government spokesman stressed on Thursday in the capital city of Koror on scientific evidence that chemicals from the sun to the sensitive corals to die off would protection products in small quantities. The ban is on 1. January enter into force in 2020.

“On any given day, a popular diving arrives at Palau and snorkel places with litres of sunscreen in the ocean,” said the spokesman to the AFP Betpas news Agency. In the future, the import or sale of prohibited sun should be occupied creams with a fine of the equivalent of 880 Euro.

coral war zone coral reef in the Maldives, the diversity of species prohibition smothered in the most conventional sun creams

The ban relates to sun protection products containing chemical active ingredients such as oxybenzone, Octocrylene and paraben-free. These are included in most of the standard brands.

The West Pacific island state is a popular holiday destination. Especially the underwater world attracts many tourists. In front of Palau, the US has coral-state of Hawaii-harmful sunscreens prohibited. This ban should, however, occur until 2021.

sve / AFP