The most important messages at a Glance:

G7 countries call for release of detained Ukrainian Navy soldiers (17.25)Hammer attack: Jordanians injured two Israelis hard (15: 28)exhaust gas scandal: 28.000 diesel driver lawsuits against VW (14.19 hours), and group rape in Freiburg – arrest (10.55 PM), Merkel’s plane mishap: Not a criminal cause (9.16 PM)

the news of The day in the star-Ticker:

+++ 21.02: Tsunami warning after earthquake in Alaska repealed +++

After the devastating earthquake in the South of Alaska, the authorities have lifted the tsunami warning. There was no threat, said the Tsunami warning center on Friday. The quake had shaken the South of Alaska. The attack occurred just before the thickness of 6.6, the U.S. weather service, voice of 7.0. The center of the earthquake was registered, according to the USGS, about 12 miles North of Anchorage. It occurred, therefore, in 43 km depth. For some parts of the South coast, a tsunami warning was then.

+++ 20: 25 PM: police have reported significant damage in Anchorage after the earthquake +++

The strong earthquake in southern Alaska has damaged many buildings in the city of Anchorage. There are “significant infrastructure damage”, police said on Friday. “Many houses and buildings are damaged. Many roads and bridges are closed”, – stated in the message.

The quake had shaken the South of Alaska. The attack occurred just before the thickness of 6.6, the U.S. weather service, voice of 7.0. The center of the earthquake was registered, according to the USGS, about 12 miles North of Anchorage. It occurred, therefore, in 43 km depth.

+++ 19.28 watch: Strong earthquake in the South of Alaska +++

A strong earthquake has shaken the South of Alaska and in the big city of Anchorage building tremble. The attack occurred just before the thickness of 6.6, the U.S. weather service, voice of 7.0. The center of the earthquake was registered, according to the USGS, about 12 miles North of Anchorage. It occurred, therefore, in 43 km depth. The authorities issued as a precautionary measure, a tsunami warning for some parts of the South coast.

According to a report in the newspaper “Anchorage Daily News” shook the quake, buildings in the town violently. On television, recordings of broken window panes were seen. There were reports of power outages. About the victims, nothing was known.

+++ 17.53 PM: German sailors killed in an accident in the Bay of Biscay fatal +++

A German sailor is killed in an accident on the French Atlantic coast to be fatal. His wife was injured, but could be used in a dramatic rescue action at sea in safety brought. A Saviour who plunged into the water, suffered injuries, said the French sea-Prefecture for the Atlantic and the French media.

The couple had been on a ten-Meter-long sailing boat on the road and suffered in Friday night at the height of the resort of Soulac-sur-Mer to the North-West of Bordeaux. The man fell overboard. The woman alerted the Maritime rescue co-ordination centre in Bremen. The French authorities were, according to the Prefecture, three helicopters and two ships. The man was recovered dead.

According to the French news Agency AFP the sailors from Hannover came. The sea Prefecture, was for a confirmation first of all not reachable.

+++ 17: 46: criticism of Poland’s law to simplify the nationalization of banks +++

Poland’s government wants to increase according to critics, its influence on the economy and the banks. Financial experts worried about a President Andrzej Duda-signed law that strengthens the powers of the financial supervision authority (KNF), and thus the nationalization of banks is simplified, as you criticize. The KNF-authority may agree, therefore, in the future, a Bank takeover is already under the pretext that the financial Situation of the money house could deteriorate in the future. The law enters into force from January 2019.

+++ 17.40 PM: Meeting with Trump/Merkel at the G20 summit on Saturday +++

because of the defect in the government’s pilot failed bilateral Meetings between US President Donald Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G20 summit, will now take place on Saturday. How the German press Agency learned from US government circles, to be held approximately half – hour interview on Saturday in Buenos Aires at around 13: 30 (local time-17.30 CET) at the end of the summit. From the trade of conflict up to the new Russian-Ukrainian tensions, there is much to discuss. Merkel want to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. You missed because of the glitch and the switch to a line machine almost the whole of the first summit day – on Saturday, the summit ends.

+++ 17: 32: 18 non-governmental organizations to Pakistan to leave +++

expired Several weeks after an expulsion decision by the authorities in Pakistan on Friday set a deadline for 18 non-governmental organizations to Leave the country. “It is a very sad day for the Team – they had to say goodbye to her colleagues and the children whom you have helped,” said the regional Director of the organization World Vision, Beng Yeoh, the AFP news Agency. 31 local employees are now out of a Job.

+++ 17.27 PM: BVB-assassin’s Revision against the judgment a +++

The condemnation of BVB-assassin Sergei W. is employed by the Federal court of justice. Both of the 29-Year-old as well as the public Prosecutor, the Revision is inserted, such as the Dortmund regional court announced on request. Sergey W. was sentenced on Tuesday to 14 years in prison for attempted murder. He had stood at 11. To April 2017, three cluster bombs in front of the team bus of Borussia Dortmund ignited. This defensive player Marc Bartra had been the Arm hurt.

the bombing had wanted to bring the 29-year-old electrical engineer in the course of the BVB share price to crash. He would have benefited.

+++ 17.25: G7 release of imprisoned Ukrainian Marines +++

calling on The G7 Nations have called on Moscow to release the imprisoned in Russia Ukrainian Navy soldiers. “There is no justification for the use of military force by Russia against Ukrainian ships and crew members,” it said in the joint statement by Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) and his colleagues from the G7 group.

The Ministers expressed their “deep concern” over Russia’s actions in the Crimean conflict, which have led to a “dangerous” increase in tension. The G7 foreign Ministers called for “restraint, respect international Law and avoid any new escalation”.

+++ 16.56 PM: Kühnert Jusos to the engine, the SPD wants to Erne-uerung +++

Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert has the SPD-young asked to be the engine of the renewal of the ailing party. “We have largely anesthetized a political debate, a good Kick in the butt missed,” said Kühnert at the start of the three-day Juso-Federal Congress in Dusseldorf. The Jusos are not likely to allow that “the next big swing of people turn away, disappointed by the policy”.

Kühnert again criticized the Hartz-IV-System as unworthy of the citizens, especially for children. The basic security is in reality, “satisfaction for those who are not in the System”. Instead of just talking from the wage gap bid, should there be a “reasonable poverty-free minimum wage” and collective bargaining agreements.

+++ 16.34 PM: Fixed Sailors: the European court wants answers from Moscow +++

The European court for human rights has called for in the case of the fixed Ukrainian Seamen responses from Russia. The Russian authorities have to explain to Monday, among other things, whether crew members of Ukrainian vessels are injured, and what medical care you received, informed the Strasbourg court.

The Russian coast guard had detained on Sunday boats of the Ukrainian Navy forcibly of the passage in the Strait of Kerch. The boats and their crew were set. The already-simmering conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the access to the waters was broken with the completion of the bridge to the annexed Crimean Peninsula in the spring of 2018 open.

+++ 16.09 PM: conflict is coming to a head – “yellow vest” cancels Meeting with Prime +++

a Short time before renewed demonstrations in Paris has come to a head the conflict between the protest group “Yellow jackets” and the French government. A representative of the “yellow West” broke off a Meeting with the Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe. The reason for this is that the Prime Minister had refused that the Meeting is filmed and broadcast live. “I wanted the French to the discussions to listen,” said “yellow vest,” Jason Herbert, after he had left the Meeting. According to a second representative decided to Meet with the Prime Minister to continue.

Since the mid of the month costs, in France, hundreds of thousands of people to Protest against rising fuel and the reform policy of the government went on the road. On Tuesday President Emmanuel Macron had been a course correction in energy policy, known as the “Yellow vests” this was not, however, enough. They accuse the government, to be withdrawn and to understand the problems of the citizens in the country.

+++ 16.01 PM: Putin the help of the Brics wants to States for reconstruction in Syria +++

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the emerging countries of the Brics group to help with reconstruction in the war-torn Syria. Russia tests with its partners, Iran and Turkey rapidly to form a Syrian constitutional Commission for a political solution. This was reported by Putin on Friday at a Meeting of this group of countries on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. In the Brics group-Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa work together.

“I hope that the Brics countries to join the humanitarian assistance programmes for that country”, Putin said the Agency Tass according to. Russia believes that in 2011, the lasting war with, so far, more than 400,000 dead. Putin has also asked Germany to help for the reconstruction of Syria.

+++ 15.46 PM: Vietnam: 13 people for drug trafficking to death++

In Vietnam, convicted + sentenced on Friday 13 drug smugglers to death. A court in the Northern province of Ha Nam language nine defendants guilty of 18.5 kilograms of Heroin and more than half a kilogram of methamphetamine are traded, such as state-run media reported.

in addition to the sentenced to death in heads of the smuggling ring, three of the accused were sentenced to life in prison and sentenced to ten additional penalties of between seven and 21 years in prison. Also in the North-Eastern province of Cao Bang death sentences were issued against four men for drug trafficking. The Communist Vietnam in front of me, the big hardness against drug-related crime. From the possession of a quantity of more than 600 grams of Heroin and more than 20 kilograms of Opium, faces the death penalty.

+++ 15.44 PM: More than four million Germans to work for low-wage +++

4.2 million people in Germany work full-time at a low wage. The response of the Federal government to a request of the Left, which is present the German press Agency. Thus, almost 20 percent of the social security contributions full-time employees were in the past year, below the Federal threshold for low-wage of monthly 2139 Euro gross. In the East the goods in the past year, 33.6 percent, in the West, 16.7 per cent.

+++ 15: 28: Hammer attack: Jordanians injured two Israelis hard +++

In the Israeli border town of Eilat Jordanians attacked on Friday two Israelis with a Hammer and seriously injured. The Israeli police stated that they suspect the motive for the attack in the resort town on the Red sea a “terrorist Kralbet attack”. The attacker was arrested. The particulars of the incident, the police have not made. Eilat is located on the border with Jordan, on the Jordanian side of the city of Aqaba is located. About half of the population in Jordan has Palestinian roots. Jordan is one of two Arab countries that has signed a peace Treaty with Israel.

+++ 15.24 at: Buenos Aires: Slight earthquake at the G20 summit +++

at the start of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires has been registered in the Argentine capital of a slight earthquake. The center of the quake of magnitude 3.8 was around 30 kilometres South of Buenos Aires, in a depth of 25 kilometers, such as the national seismic Institute said on Friday. According to media reports, the slight tremors in Parts of the Argentine capital was felt.

The G20 summit will take place on Friday and Saturday in the Argentine capital. The focus of the discussions of the heads of state and government of the serious trade disputes between the US, China and the EU, and the resurgence of a lamb is likely to be an end to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. In addition, it was expected violent protests against the summit and the Argentine government.

+++ 15.15 PM: Russia is planning for 2019, a large-scale maneuvers +++

The Russian armed forces also plan for 2019 back in a large-scale maneuvers. It’s supposed to take place in August and September in the Central military district, the Volga Region the West of Siberia. The the for maneuvers competent Lieutenant-General Ivan Buwalzew wrote in the army newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda”. In total up to December 2019, more than 4000 military drills in Russia are planned.

The Russian ensured large-scale maneuvers had in the past two years of unrest abroad. In 2017, triggered the Exercise, “Sapad” (the West) to the Russian Western border, fears of the Eastern Nato and EU members. According to Nato figures, more soldiers have been used as Moscow officially stated.

+++ 14.59 PM: record: “Last Christmas” is the 130. Times in the Charts +++ opinion of Wham!-Classic Why “Last Christmas” is the year’s Christmas, we deserve By Eugen Epp

All year: The pop song “Last Christmas” by Wham! from the year 1984 has made it just in time for the Advent season in the German Single Charts and is the most commonly-placed song in the charts history. With his re-entry to No. 32 in the Song of the British Popduos George Michael/Andrew Ridgeley for the 130. In the list quoted, like GfK Entertainment announced.

He beat “Sky and Sand” by Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner and is the sole record is now holder. For the first time Last Christmas it was Christmas eve in 1984; since the mid-90s, the Christmas classic returns each year in the Top 100.

+++ 14.19 PM: 28.000 diesel driver’s lawsuit against VW +++

In less than a week to close have already had more than 28,000 diesel drivers in the consumer lawsuit against Volkswagen. Thus, the action may be brought before the court. Because the negotiation can only begin if, in two months, at least 50 Affected by entering in the Register.

“This high level of participation in the first days after the opening of the register shows, how high is the interest in action is,” said the management Board of Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, Klaus Müller, on Friday. The Association attracts a proxy for the exhaust gas to the scandal affected VW customer before the court and wants to achieve, that you can get from Volkswagen damages.

+++ 14.06 PM: Hamburg customs finds cocaine for more than 84 million euros +++

customs investigators in Hamburg 400 kilograms of highly pure cocaine in street sale value of at least 84 million euros withdrawn from circulation.The officials of the drug detected according to information from Friday in the case of two independent checks of ocean freight containers in the port of Hamburg. In a dental floss-Laden Container from the Dominican Republic, the investigators found, therefore, at the beginning of November nine sports bags with more than 300 kilograms of cocaine. They had noticed in an x-ray inspection of suspect structures, and unloaded the freight. Then they discovered the drug.

In another case, they came in a shipping container imported from Brazil old VW-Bus in September to 100 kilos of high purity cocaine. The perpetrator had built a double floor to hide it. Here, too, the x-ray control led to success. According to the customs of the 400 kilograms of cocaine had been stretched prior to the sale to the consumer many times over, which would result in a significantly larger amount. The street value of the total amount of the official indicated a minimum of 84 million euros.

+++ 13.52 at: USA, Canada and Mexico sign new trade agreements +++

The United States, Mexico, and Canada signed on Friday her new trade agreements USMCA. Prior to the start of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, the contractors put their signatures on the new edition of the North American free trade agreement (Nafta). US President, Donald Trump had announced that since the 1994 Nafta agreement, and that the two neighbouring countries forced to renegotiate.

+++ 13.51 watch: man drives car into bus stop in Erding +++

In the upper Bavarian town of Erding, a car in a bus stop raced. In the accident on Thursday evening, the car hit a 16-year-old student and whose 72-year-old grandfather who were waiting there, sitting on a bench on a Bus, the police announced on Friday. The student suffered very severe injuries to the legs and came with a rescue helicopter to the hospital, her grandfather suffered injuries at the ankle joint and face. The 24-year-old car driver and as a passenger is travelling with 57-year-old father suffered minor injuries. Cause of the accident was a seizure of the driver who lost control of the car. Whether the man suffered from earlier seizures is still unclear.

+++ 13.30: Up to 500 million guests of the Marriott-Hotels of hacker attack affected +++ data Theft, hackers steal data from up to 500 million guests of the Marriott Hotels DPA

hackers have attacked the largest hotel chain in the world, the Marriott group. Of the “data security incident” had affected the reservation system of the Marriott belonging to chain Starwood, and has been since the year 2014, the company said. The attacker could have compromised the data of up to 500 million people. This includes dates of birth and passport numbers of the guests, according to a report in the New York Times.

+++ 13: 28: Merkel takes part in UN migration meeting in Marrakech +++

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is at 10. December at the UN migration conference in Morocco to participate. The Deputy government spokesperson Martina Fietz announced in Berlin. In the case of the two-day Meeting in the city of Marrakech, the global Pact for Migration is to be adopted, in Germany, the AfD storm runs.

fact check of the star What is the migration Pact is really in the UN – and what is pure Propaganda,

is The international non-legally binding document could be done after evaluation of the Federal government, more regulation in the international Migration and migrant workers from exploitation protect. Merkel had campaigned in the last week in the Bundestag. She said those who believed to be able all alone to solve, and would only think to themselves – “this is nationalism in its purest Form”. The USA, Austria, Israel, Australia and several Eastern European States to join the Pact.

+++ 13.26 PM: Life for murder of Stephanie 27 years ago, + + +

some 27 years after the murder of ten-year-old Stefanie from Thuringia, the regional court Gera has sentenced a 66-Year-old to life in prison. The judges saw it proven that the German has kidnapped the girl in August 1991 in Weimar, and later abused. Finally, he had thrown the child from devil’s bridge to the highway 4 in Hermsdorf 48 meters deep in the death. The court was of the murder and followed up with his saying dem the request of the public Prosecutor’s office. The defender of the man had demanded acquittal.

+++ 13.22 PM: Israel alleges anti-Semitic title-page on the Hungarian magazine +++

A title-page with an anti-Semitic undertone in the latest edition of the regierunsgnahen Hungarian weekly magazine, “Figyelö” has triggered the indignation of the Israeli Ambassador in Budapest. To see a picture of the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish communities in Hungary, Andras Heisler is on the Cover, on the money bills rain down. Recently, Hungary’s government had announced that € 1.5 million for projects to combat anti-Semitism.

Israel’s Ambassador Yossi Amrani, called, on Thursday evening, the Association Chairman Heisler, his dismay at the “disgraceful” cover of “Figyelö”. Heisler took first position.

+++ 13.01 PM: clean-air plan, with driving bans in Stuttgart officially finished +++

The new clean air plan with the Diesel-driving bans for Stuttgart is now officially finished. The plans have now been made officially known, from Monday to you can be viewed for two weeks, publicly, as the government Bureau of Stuttgart announced. In addition, you can be on the Internet. The driving ban, the from 1. January applies to Diesel vehicles with the Euro 4 exhaust gas standard, or worse, is the Central measure in the clean air plan to reduce pollutant loads in Stuttgart.

+++ 12.42 PM: the Merkel-machine: System for Draining of kerosene was also disturbed +++

The breakdown of the government aircraft of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has, according to the government in Berlin is no immediate danger to passengers and crew means. “There was at no time a danger to the life, and the lives of the passengers on Board of the machine. And the crash of the flight in such a case, a normal procedure,” said a government spokesperson on Friday in Berlin. The Ministry of defence met again, Reports of Sabotage come as a possible cause of the question. A machine of the type A340 plug-in component was defective, and I disturbed two communication systems and the System for Draining of kerosene, a spokesman said. The machine had to land with excess weight.

+++ 12.20 PM: dead Baby from Duisburg – corpse-sniffing dog hits on Container +++

In the case of a baby’s corpse from Duisburg-the police has discovered may be the old clothes container, in the the little girl is laid. A corpse-sniffing dog had taken in a Container in the Duisburger the West, to the weather, and beaten, told investigators on Friday. The vessel was ensured. “This is now carefully for traces, among other things, DNA or finger of the mother’s fingerprints, should be investigated,” said police spokeswoman Jacqueline Grahl.

The body of the girl, the police has given the name Mia, was on 17. In November, in a sorting system for used clothing in Kielce, Poland were found. The Transport had come from Duisburg. The police believe that the infant was laid in Duisburg, Germany in a Container. Investigators are now looking for the mother.

+++ 11.41 am: Merkel is picked up by other government machine picked up +++

After the failure of one government aircraft, German Chancellor Angela Merkel from a different machine from the G20-summit in Argentina. The component that got in the machine “Konrad Adenauer” for problems that should not be renewed in this other plane, said Colonel Guido Henrich of the flight readiness of the air force on Friday in Cologne, Germany. The machines would all be maintained on a regular basis. If you’ve been in a car there is a Problem with a battery in order to swap it, therefore, also not automatically the battery in another car. The machine should start on Friday afternoon from the military airport of Cologne/Bonn.

Interview an expert for Merkel-breakdown of flight “We leave our state with a used car by means of the world

travel” According to the air force was the incident with Merkel’s machine. There was no potential danger, said Henrich on Friday in Berlin. The Situation was not “at any time” under control.

As was said by Henrich, is now that of failure of an electronic distribution Box has led to the breakdown. The distribution Box had been replaced, then the error no longer occurred.

+++ 11.40 PM: hundreds of migrants from Mexico, returned home +++

Several hundred Central American migrants have given up their attempt to enter illegally in the USA. The UN Organisation for Migration has helped to the end of November, 450 people return to their home country, such as IOM spokesman Joel Millman said Friday in Geneva. 57 percent returned to Honduras, 38 percent in El Salvador, and five percent to Guatemala.

+++ 10.55 PM: rape case Freiburg – ninth suspect +++

In the case of the alleged gang rape in Freiburg, the police arrested a ninth suspect. It was a 18-year-old man from Syria, said a police spokeswoman on Friday. Body traces of him had been found after the fact on the clothes of the victim. The balance with him voluntarily submitted a saliva sample to investigators on his trail. The man had been taken on Thursday evening, in a refugee accommodation in Freiburg. Previously, the image had reported online about it.

in mid-October had been raped, according to investigators, an 18-Year-old in Freiburg after a disco visit of several men. Eight men had been taken.

+++ 10.41 am: the unemployment contribution will be reduced +++

The unemployment contribution to the 1. January 2019 from 3 to 2.5 percent of the gross income is reduced. The Bundestag decided on Friday with the votes of Union, SPD, FDP and the Green party with the new qualification chances-law of the Federal government. The AfD and the Left abstained. The contribution will be reduced thus, in the case of a gross salary of 2000 Euro in 2019 to 10 euros, with employees and employers, and the half relieved. The contribution rate of 2.5 per cent, valid until 2022, after which he is to be permanently kept at 2.6 percent.

Crimea crisis, Russia or Ukraine: Who benefits from the dispute over the Kerch Strait? By Ellen Ivits +++ 10.23 PM: Ukraine’s entry for Russian men +++

restricted restricted Ukraine from Friday to the entry for Russians. Men between the ages of 16 and 60 years, were affected, the head of the border authorities told a live televised Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko. Exceptions from “humanitariann” reasons, said Poroshenko. In the Russian border regions of Ukraine, as well as on the coasts of a 30-day war since Wednesday right.

the Background is an incident before Russia annexed the Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea. The Russian coast guard had fired on Sunday in the Kerch Strait three Ukrainian Navy ships and applied. Several Ukrainian naval soldiers were injured, 24 soldiers were detained

+++ 9.41 PM: Merkel on Board of a line machine on the way to Buenos Aires +++

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has begun on Friday with a significant delay in your flight to the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. She was according to the government, on Board a scheduled flight, Iberia airline, which started on Friday morning in the Spanish capital, Madrid. Your regular flight with air weapons-machine “Konrad Adenauer” had to be cancelled on Thursday evening due to a failure of the communication systems on Board in Cologne-Bonn.

G20-travel stopped, “It was a serious fault”: The breakdown of the flight DPA +++ 9: 27 PM happened to Merkel: searches at Deutsche Bank + + + go on more

The search for Deutsche Bank on suspicion of money laundering. The RAID was continued on Friday to view further Material, said a spokeswoman for the Frankfurt Prosecutor’s office.

+++ 9.16 PM: air force, includes criminal Background for flyer-mishap +++

The air force has ruled out a criminal Background for the glitch during the flight of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. From the point of view of the Luftwaffe, there was “no evidence and not even an approach to a criminal Background,” said an air force spokesman said on Friday in Berlin. Rather, the failure of an electronic distribution Box, the reason was forced to land, which is why the German army-machine Thursday evening in Cologne-Bonn.

+++ 7.56 PM: Russia sends three military satellites into space +++

With a rocket of the type “Rokot” Russia has three new military satellites into space. The launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the North of the country was run on Friday morning successfully, according to the defense Ministry in Moscow, according to Russian media. Until the end of October Russia from Plesetsk from a reconnaissance satellite was sent into space.