The most important messages of the day in a Short Overview:

CSU and the Free voters to agree on a coalition (19.11 hours), and Alice ryegrass occurs in Oxford (16.56 PM)said Berlin police registered more than 100 attacks on homosexuals this year (13: 43)Scotland Yard is investigating the Labour Party because of anti-Semitism suspected (9.33 PM) Brinkhaus sees in the election of the CDU-chair, no preliminary decision for the Chancellor candidacy (1.06 PM)

the news of The day in the Ticker:

+++ 22.29 PM: Hamburg: man shot police, with dozens of patrol cars in use +++

The enigmatic shot of a man in the centre of Hamburg, a large-scale operation of the police and extensive murder investigation is triggered. The 42-Year-old had suffered a shot in the belly and crashed on Friday evening in the middle of the Wandsbeker Chaussee, in the district of Eilbek from an all-terrain vehicle. As the police said, had been shot the victim, according to the two companions. A manhunt was launched, in the meantime, at least three dozen patrol car were in use. For more information on the expiration and backgrounds the fact it was not.

The two companions of the Wounded had the car with the compound at 17.40 PM at an intersection next to an ambulance stopped to ask the rescue workers to help. “At almost the same time rushed to the 42-Year-old severely injured from the Jeep,” police said. The victim was seriously injured to the hospital, the all-terrain vehicle has been seized by the investigators.

The Wandsbeker Chaussee was blocked because of the incident between Landwehr and knight street for a few hours and only in the evening around 21 o’clock again completely released. There was major traffic jams.

+++ 21.18 PM: Seven new millionaires, but the Euro jackpot will remain at € 90 million +++

The 90 million Euro for a maximum of filled Euro jackpot is not won on Friday. Thus, the 18 participating European countries in the coming week is for players of the opportunity to be very rich, such as the West of the lottery announced in the evening. At the time of the draw in Helsinki, the winning numbers were 5-17-27-33-42, as well as the supplementary figures 9 and 10 is determined.

The jackpot has not been issued to nine Times in a row and will be next week, again at 90 million euros. This is the sum of the Euro is capped jackpot legally. The rest of the game inserts a new Jackpot. This with 20 million euros-filled second profit class on Friday for seven new millionaires. Three of them are from Germany – from Hamburg, two from lower Saxony. The rest of the winners coming from Norway, Spain, Denmark and Finland. You all will each receive 3.100.089,50 Euro.

+++ 19.11 PM: Bayern: the government of the coalition of CSU and the Free voters +++

there is No three weeks after the Bavarian state election have agreed CSU and FDP on the formation of a government coalition. “We are,” said the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) in the evening in the Parliament, and also Free-voters-Chef Hubert Aiwanger said: “breakthrough is achieved.”

To say the substantive outcome of Negotiations, the Department division or further Details, both nothing. First of all, should be notified on Sunday afternoon, the respective party committees, and the coalition cheap. On Monday morning, the coalition agreement will be signed on Tuesday Söder to be in the Parliament again elected Prime Minister.

The CSU was at the state election on 14. October crashed at 37.2 percent and is therefore dependent on a coalition partner.

+++ 18.40 PM: Mexico: migrants continued to March towards the U.S. to continue +++

A migrant group from Central America has continued, despite a Betticket night in the rain your way through Mexico towards the USA. The people were broken on Friday morning (local time) in the place of Matías Romero in the state of Oaxaca. In the course of the day, you should reach the 46 mile distant place Donají. From there, there are only a few kilometers to the border to the Federal state of Veracruz. The group was begun two weeks ago in Honduras, currently they are about 1300 kilometers from the border with the USA.

According to the Mexican organization for migrant rights, “Pueblo Sin Fronteras” forced in the night of Friday, a heavy rain, the migrants to leave their sleeping place – a Park in the centre of Matías Romero -. Many were looking for a covered shelter in the surrounding streets.

+++ 18.26 PM: Pakistan: the “father” of the Afghan Taliban, dies after knife attack +++

A high Pakistani Cleric, who is considered the “father” of the Afghan Taliban, has been murdered. Maulana Samiul Haq was killed in a knife attack, said his son Hamidul Haq. The motive is unclear, according to police.

The 81-Year-old had been attacked in his home in Rawalpindi, near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad by two attackers with knives. He had been brought in with multiple stab wounds to the hospital for his injuries but succumbed, said the son.

+++ 18.09 PM: Europe’s banks are better positioned than after the financial crisis +++

The European banks are prepared, in General, better for a new economic and financial crisis a few years ago. This is one of the most recent stress test of the European banking authority, EBA, published in London. In the process, were tested to rise to shrink, how strong is the equity of the banks within three years, if the economy weakens, unemployment figures and real estate prices go down in the basement. The weakest cut under the German money houses NordLB, you can count on in the worst case, only with a capital of something over 7 percent. Deutsche Bank cuts off with 8.14 percent, a little better. Commerzbank had 9,93 per cent of its equity capital.

+++ 17: 28: Private report warns AfD +++

An expert has warned the AfD prior to the use of terms such as “Alienation” and “Umvolkung”, since these could provide points for observation by the protection of the Constitution. In a summary of the opinion of the legal scholar Dietrich Murswiek, which is present the German press Agency and the ARD, it is recommended that lump-sum judgments like “refugees are criminals” or “the old parties are corrupt”, certain groups disparage, to avoid.

In the excerpts from the opinion, which was given to the AfD in order, in a list of “recommendations for action” also: “The avoidance of “extremist appeal of the words” like “Umvolkung”, “Alienation”, “Volkstod” or “re-education””. The summary of opinion had created for the AfD in the Bundestag, Roland Hartwig. He is head of the party’s Executive Committee, the working group established to take precautions against a possible observation of the party through the protection of the Constitution.