Studieschulden it is repaid each year will receive a DUO of around 800 million euros, and only 2 per cent of the debt is written off, it is evident from the figures that BNR Nieuwsradio opvroeg. The old system had been so successful, “says Alex Tess Rutten of the students’ union LSVb.

The numbers are still on the old studiefinancieringsstelsel. The basic grant, which, in 2015, was dispensed with, and gave the students an amount that does not have to be repaid, at a height dependent on the income of the parents. Students also have bijlenen.

It is to pay off the debt if, within a period of fifteen years, after which time the debt matured. The figures of the DUO, it now appears that it is to pay off the debt properly.

the return of the old regime, is now a political majority, but the subject matter is on the agenda after the election. The current system is in any case not be sustainable, according to Rutten. “In the old system, kept the debt manageable and it was possible to get it back is to pay for it. Now, increasing the debt each and every month. The stufidag doesn’t charge us.”

The average life expectancy is studieschuld of the students, with the introduction of the loan system currently, to 21,000 euro. The students after completion of their course of study and 35 years old for that amount of time.

See also: generation studieschuld, how do they pay back?