the way The CDU would now like to examine the asylum crisis, and in retrospect, the local politicians in the border regions, the responsibility needs to be handled carefully, and is extremely shabby, says Georg Anastasiadis, the editor-in-chief of the Münchner Merkur.

your “workshop talks” to deal with the refugee summer 2015 would have been the new-found CDU-Boss Annegret can give Kramp-karrenbauer. Because what is to say, Merkel’s maizière, then Minister of the interior Thomas de yesterday in an openness to the minutes, of the Merkel-AKK-CDU, even today, of the courage: “We have all of the moods.” In the welcome summer it was, as he admits that to produce the Federal government is simply not as chic, on the border “unpleasant images”. Which but it came, to check if the state had complied with its order, on the border, who all rushed to Germany.

a view into an abyss of state failure

A Chancellor, the persistently all the warnings of their intelligence services ignored, the opinion polls drift, rather than to rule, and a Minister, lacked the courage, his Boss from the actually Inevitable, namely, the closure of the borders, to convince: Without really wanting it, de Maiziere free the view into an abyss of state failure, the country is still too hard. But unlike de Weis make maizière, today, want, there was already at that time, plenty of warning voices, such as those of the Federal police chiefs. Our newspaper warned already at that time. You wanted them, intoxicated by their own nobleness, just don’t listen.

also read a comment from the 18. October 2015: The Declaration of bankruptcy of the Chancellor

The summit of the shabbiness is reached when Merkel’s Bavaria land councils, which were faced first with the aftermath of the Berlin invitation policy, zuschanzt former asylum Minister today, a complicity. They had denied in the border area, the registration of the comers, says de maizière. But how, of all things, brave local politicians should be checked daily to many thousands Arriving, after a jammer full of Federal Minister of the interior ready for the use of Federal police had ordered out of fear of the public opinion of the closing of the borders?

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see also:

settlement with Merkel’s refugee policy, the Bavarian interior Minister Herrmann shoots against SPD

allegations of Ex-interior Minister de Maizière: Seehofer with a clear announcement

“shop talk”: the CDU settles with Merkel’s refugee policy – without the Chancellor