In the morning have been taken in the district of Dithmarschen, in Schleswig-Holstein, three men from Iraq. You are supposed to have forged terrorist plans. Now more Details were known.

Schleswig-Holstein: office of the attorney General provides a reference to the terrorist militia IS – But no job

15.58 at: The U.S. attorney’s office in the case of the three in Schleswig-Holstein, captured Iraqi links to the terrorist militia Islamic state. But these were “by no means evidence that they acted on behalf of the so-called Islamic state, or even members of the foreign terrorist group ISIS would be”, said a spokeswoman for the authority on Wednesday in Karlsruhe. Therefore will not determined because of membership in a foreign terrorist Association. In the Morning special forces in Schleswig-Holstein had raided a suspected Islamist terror cell at the top, and thus planning for a stop by crosses. The Sunni extremists of the militia IS, especially in Syria and Iraq, and their supporters perpetrate but also in Europe, always attacks.

BKA-chief: terror suspect in Schleswig-Holstein, recognised refugees

Update from 30. January 2019, 13.39 watch : The three in Schleswig-Holstein under suspicion of terror detainees, Iraqis have lived as refugees in Germany. This is the President of the Federal criminal police office (BKA), Holger Münch said on Wednesday in Berlin.

The alleged Islamists, who planned the investigation, according to a stop in this country, would have enjoyed subsidiary protection of refugees , said Münch. This subsidiary protection engages, if neither of refugee protection can be made of the entitlement to Asylum granted in the country of origin of serious damage about torture or the death penalty threatens.

Schleswig-Holstein: terrorist attack in Germany

Münch, planned, said, according to the investigation, the Suspects had the idea, “to kill as many people as possible”. Up to 200 employees of various police authorities had monitored least partially around the clock.

Schleswig-Holstein: investigators arrest three terror suspects

initial meld of 30. January 9.20 am :

Karlsruhe/Kiel – officials of the Federal office of criminal investigation have arrested on Wednesday morning in the district of Dithmarschen, in Schleswig-Holstein, three men from Iraq, to have planned a terrorist attack in Germany. As the attorney General said, is accused of two men at the age of 23 years, the preparation of severe state-endangering acts of violence, to a third party, 36-year-old man aid. The attack plans had been motivated by Islamist.

investigators searched the apartments of the accused, and further, so far not a suspect in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Baden-Württemberg. The mirror had first reported about the arrests. According to information from “Spiegel online” to be refugees.

arrest in Schleswig-Holstein: police struck in dawn

A concrete target for an attack would not have taken the accused, the evidence so far suggests that even in the eye, it was called by the attorney General. Whether the men were involved in a terrorist Association, would have to clarify the further investigations. You will now be presented to the investigating judge at the Federal court of justice, which will decide on the adoption of arrest warrants and the execution of pretrial detention.

police units from several provinces and special units to beat from 6.00 PM. According to the NDR information, the Iraqis are supposed to have lived in the town of Meldorf.

also read: terrorist attack on the Strasbourg Christmas market: Five Suspects

arrest of terror suspects in Schleswig-Holstein: Man had to Auto-attack with driving lessons started

According to investigators, the men had already downloaded a bomb-building instructions on the Internet and started to gain from new year’s eve rockets, black powder. In addition, they had ordered an igniter in the UK. They had also intended to obtain a weapon. One of the men had taken driving lessons at a stop a vehicle.

want to According to the “mirror” to one of the Suspects have expressed, as many of the “non-believers, but not children”. Their Plan would have developed the men after their arrival in the fall of 2015 in Germany, the “mirror”-report. Help you would receive from a stranger over the encrypted Messenger “Telegram”.

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