
Dr. Alexander Stevens and the Cover of his new book “Fatal affair”

©[M](c) Hartwig/Piper Verlag

The amused shake of the head to pure horror should trigger this book, many of the reactions: In “Fatal affair: When Online Dating land the lawyer” (Piper, paperback) reported a best-selling author Dr. Alexander Stevens of 20 true Dating cases with legal repercussions. The lawyer for Sexual offences, the numerous TV appearances known, reveals in an Interview with spot on news, what story he found himself in the most tragic and he gives tips for a safe Dating on Tinder and co.

In “Fatal affair” is about Online Dating, which ended in court. They describe cases of accidental incest to pre-agents-stories played. Which of the stories they found themselves on the worst?

Alexander Stevens: Emotionally, the most tragic is certainly the case of the mother and the son, without knowing from each other – with each other Sex in the same Dark-Room of a Swingers club and then from your own husband or father in the act were caught… The most bizarre is the case of Nigeria, however, is-African exchange students to log in due to lack of sufficient knowledge of the language on a supposed Dating site for “Black Men”; as the Bavarian constitutional protection to the students is attentive, it turns out, the active used Dating site “hazelnut-romance – humor, Black-and-Brown” one of the neo-Nazis used a Dating App. The Absurd: On the page he had actually found numerous women, with the Nigerian exchange students had held an hour’s a little shepherd….

Online Dating has been booming for many years. Since when did you do as a lawyer is increasingly so, because scammers and worse criminals the anonymity of the Internet to take advantage?

Alexander Stevens: I mean, especially with the Dating App Tinder not only the possibilities of a fast, uncomplicated Sex, but also the criminal offences in the area of Dating increased markedly: these are not just West African Mafia-gangs, pretending to be the partner of your dreams, to love, to exclude great women and men after stroke and thread. Online-Dating-Apps bring new options for Criminals, Goldenbahis for example, if a robber need a simple escape vehicle: just a Tinder Date and the place of the action “pick up”…

some of the in your described cases, no penalties have been imposed, as in the case of the man with pubic hair fetishism, or the simple students on the sugar daddy site, had no money. The cases In which people who feel harmed, should go to all of the cases to the police or to a lawyer, and when it’s not worth it?

Alexander Stevens: When it comes to Sex, sexual harassment, and not rarely also “only” a mere disappointments, everyone has their own tolerance and threshold. Basically, I rate, but when it comes to financial rip-off or uneinvernehmlicher (sexual) violence, to go immediately to the police even if you think you can fix that, one must not forget that it could in theory produce even more victims.

What would you? as a lawyer, people rates are on single exchanges or a fling portals on the go

Alexander Stevens: Never a first Online Date somewhere off in a deserted place or even at home.

beware of profiles that are too good to be true: The well-trained pediatrician with a private pony and castle on the sea, is a West African Love scammers.

Carefully, you should be also, if the Partner wants to talk to dear in English – because the fraudsters often sit abroad and only poor or no German speak, they often Airline personnel or American soldiers…

The profile pictures of the partner of a Google-images-search under: Not infrequently, there are Fake Profiles, the scammers with photos idea create of unemployed individuals: If there is the same profile picture multiple Profiles with different names, you know…

on portals, the appeal to Love-starved, even criminals, is known. You have the feeling that this is now arrived, and the people will be more careful in the future?

Alexander Stevens: no, no – quite the contrary! When it comes to love, Sex and tenderness, common sense. That is the main reason for my book to the readers in a humorous way to show what Online can data go wrong – and believe me: The cases in the book are only the tip of the iceberg.
