pendant of the Thuringian AfD Chefs Björn Höcke have sung in Greding the first verse of the “Deutschlandlieds”. Markus Söder, has condemned the action sharp.

Update 7. May, 20.35 clock: Also Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has reported on Tuesday with sharp criticism of the AfD. Party representatives were exposed in the Franconian town of Greding in the case of a meeting of the song of Germany into the action later on a technical error pushed.

“This is not a Mistake, but a mental attitude,” said Söder on Tuesday after a meeting of the Bavarian Cabinet. It was “unbearable, if the AfD is singing, be aware of the first verse of the Deutschland song,” he added. The CSU leader, introduced on Tuesday new measures against anti-Semitism in Bavaria, declared that the state had to defend itself against “spiritual arson”.

AfD sings in Bavaria, Germany song – Gauland criticises “unwise action”

Update 7. May, at 15.50 PM: The horror of the Germany song incident around the AfD group Chairman Björn Höcke is still large. Now Alexander Gauland has taken a stance on this. “I think the singing of the first verse of the Germany hymn is politically unwise. With the first verse associations, such as the recovery of certain territories. This is of course nonsense. But there are people who want to make the lyrics something that the Poet never had in mind“ – quoted image of the AfD-politician. The Federal Board will impose because of an “unwise” action no “action”. He also do not believe that the singing of Greding was a deliberately planned provocation: “I was told, it got even those who have stood there, surprised.”

“More than a mere faux pas”: Aigner is fierce criticism of AfD group leader

Update 6. May 2019, 16.56 at: President of the regional Parliament, Ilse Aigner, accuses the AfD group chief Katrin Ebner-Steiner, to have the Reputation of Parliament damage inflicted. In a letter to Ebner-Steiner Aigner criticised the fact that in the case of an event of the AfD-“wing” at the weekend, the first verse of the “Deutschlandlieds” with the text line “Germany, Germany, had been sung about everything”.

“Both you and your Deputy, and your Parliamentary Secretary and stand in a row with Björn Höcke: It sang, it laughed – everything is documented via Video,” writes Aigner, as the German press Agency was informed on demand. You have this “with dismay” to the knowledge of and wool this to the attention of the Council of Elders of the Landtag. Ebner-Steiner, by themselves, do not sing in the first verse, however, as you can see on the Internet, accessible recording.

“For me, this is more than a sign of Historical amnesia, even more than a mere faux pas”, criticised Aigner. The Nazis would have cared for the song to sing. German soldiers were driven from the Text, in other countries invaded, in consequence of some 60 million people died in the Second world war. “Who is singing today, be aware of the first verse of the Deutschland song, mocked the victims of Nazism and the perpetrators have in common,” writes Mr Aigner. You connect such images and sounds in the first line with the appearance of neo-Nazis.

Höcke to Bavaria-visit: As the Germany sounds song, all eyes on him

Greding – Especially Björn Höcke has called the Pope a “disgrace” because a man rushes to the stage. Höcke interrupts, listens to the party friend. “Yes, Yes,” he says, half to himself, half to the micro. “This is good news.” The people in the room guessed what it is. Applause, Cheering. Some are chanting about emptiness roast pork dish: “Björn, Björn, Björn.”

It is the Moment experiences, in the Thuringia, the AfD chief, that he allowed to occur on the next day, but in the case of the party-youth in Munich. The city had granted to him on Friday in the short term, Höcke a complaint to the Munich administrative court of appeal, with success. For this, he can celebrate, here, in a dimly lit hall in the industrial area of Greding (district of Roth).

Some apply Höcke as the Messiah, other than the incarnate devil. The border goes right through the AfD. The party leadership keeps a distance to him, especially since the protection of the Constitution in his völkisch-national “wings” as a suspected case has been classified. His Fans celebrate him all the more. 500 came to Meet on Saturday for “wings”, including some members of the national Executive and the Parliament group.

AfD: Höcke, Hungary’s Prime Minister

Höcke ennobles speaks as the last one this afternoon, and calls for a “spiritual turn” in Germany. A bit to the “memory of political change reminds to 180 degrees”, he had in his much-criticized Dresdner speech spoken. At the time, he called the Berlin Holocaust memorial “monument of shame”. Since then, he is considered to be rabble-rousers.

So far, he’s not in Greding. Höcke talks about Hungary’s right-wing conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of a “true Hero”. He complains to the EU and Nato, and Manfred Weber (CSU), the EU Commission President wants to be. As the Name, calls a room a “traitor”. A man with Gauland-tie nods.

In the case of the 500 Höcke is good, even in the case of Katrin Ebner-Steiner. The group head of the AfD in the Landtag of Bavaria is sitting on one of the seats of honor beneath the stage, in addition to Höcke. Both are close politically, is known. In the breaks, shoulder flirt on the shoulder, smile for photos. In Greding, you will like this Unity, some of the Moderate in the group, knocking them over evil.

After all, the country tags-AfD struggles with the suspicion, even further to the right to drift away. Before Easter, two members of which were from disappointed, including Co-group chief Markus Plenk. Both warned against a lurch to the right. The base has since been restless and requested an official meeting a week ago, enlightenment. That Ebner-Steiner has not appeared, came to no good. So now also occurs with Höcke.

Germany song: the first verse is heard, do not hesitate AfD-man Höcke

The group chief conceals the dispute in your speech, even if their analysis seems to be somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, she shows full Compliance with the “wings” and railed against the impending adjustment of the AfD to the Establishment. On the other hand, she wants “to be Brave” in the group””.

Regensburg “wings”-man Benjamin Nolte suggests, the incompatibility list, the party to be abolished. The at least one NPD was last updated-near faction of employees stumbled upon someone “, we can use in our fight for freedom is good”. Nolte is also the one who is the Meeting a kind of bracket. “The heads of the ‘wing’ like to sit in the East,” he says. “But the heart of the ,wing’ strikes in the South.” Again Applause. In the hall an says: “The Benni, the beautiful.”

At the end, then go on stage again. Höcke, Ebner-Steiner, Nolte. Also the members of the Landtag Richard Graupner, Ralf, Stadler are in the process of the parliamentary managing Director is Christoph Maier. From the tape of the Germany song, the first verse runs. “Germany, Germany above all, to sing about everything in the world…”, is not prohibited, but it is always a political Statement. Some voices, hesitant also Höcke. Ebner-Steiner is silent.

In Bremen, there was recently an attack on the AfD-politician, Natascha Runge, how* reported. The young woman wanted to hang election posters, and then two men came along.