“Now collapsing like a house of cards,” says a former altar boy who had been reported three years ago in the “MIRROR” to the word, because he had been abused as a Boy by the Hildesheim Bishop Heinrich Maria Janssen miss. The person Concerned had stated that the Bishop had it in the Fifties and sixties regularly through Masturbation, Oral and anal intercourse, miss.

After the person had turned over to the diocese, he received, while 10,000 euros as a “recognition payment”. However, in the Church workup, according to the MIRROR report, and the public reactions of the bishopric of fact, not much. The 1988 deceased Bishop seemed to be beyond any doubt. “I was not believed, my allegations were impossible shot, and even discrediting against me, it was just about money,” says the former altar boy. The then-Bishop Norbert Trelle had his allegations of not listening to. “This has hurt me.”

An external report created for a Munich-based Institute on behalf of the diocese, arrived in 2017 to the conclusion that the allegation against Janssen prove nor disprove. This was after such a long time “neither with justice-shaped with psychological procedures”.

and Now come the accusations of another alleged victim in the case: A 70-year-old former altar boy, there were several Church employees sexually abused, including Ex-Bishop Janssen. So he Betper had to undress in front of the then Bishop naked. As a further offender, the man called the head of the former Hildesheimer children’s home “Bernwardshof”, a priest and a chaplain at the children’s home “Johannishof”. Both of the accused clergy in the diocese already as the alleged perpetrator of more than 150 other Hildesheimer cases known.

“are The Parallels to my case is frightening,” said the first witness of the MIRROR. “To the Bishop were children helpers helpers of the environment of children’s homes. For me, it was a Kaplan. Janssen was regarded as a great patron of these homes, he was there often. It is obvious to me that there was a paedophile network.”

Heinrich Maria Janssen (archive)

The statements of the bishopric of Hildesheim, to the heart of things. Because Bishop Janssen is still regarded as a popular carrier with numerous followers. The prominent Bishop was even a bed of honorary citizen of the city and in a representative grave, in the middle of the Cathedral of Hildesheim.

“This Bishop, who needs me and others and for the whole of life has damaged, not only in the Cathedral – he is worshipped even more persistent. This can’t be! The guy needs to get out of the Cathedral,” says the former altar boy. “How many victims you need, to believe, what happened?”

in September into office come the Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer showed up to the new allegations, according to the NDR “angry and sad”. “It breaks my heart in the light of what has been communicated to the Concerned us,” said Wilmer. He now wants to stimulate an external investigation and this week at a Meeting of several of the bishoprics of lower Saxony’s Minister of justice, Barbara Havliza (CDU) on the disclosure of Church files for prosecutors to speak.