March 8 demonstrations: thousands of demonstrators in Paris and in the regions
This Wednesday, March 8, the social movement against pension reform joined in the defense of women's rights. Despite smaller crowds at the 150 protests,...
Strike of March 8, live: it lasts! New announcements of blockages
The strike against the pension reform continued this Wednesday, March 8, 2023 in France. Ports were blocked, while the movement was renewed in refineries....
Loto (FDJ) result: the draw for Wednesday, March 8, 2023 [ONLINE]
LOTTO RESULTS. The two million euros did not find a taker. On the other hand, some participants bet on a good part of the...
History-geo subject at the baccalaureate (specialty): what to expect?
SUBJECTS HISTORY GEO SPECIALTY. On March 20 and 21, 2023, high school students who have chosen the HGGSP specialty will take their exam counting...
Death of Leslie and Kevin: multiple motives? Investigators' leads
DNA records confirm on March 9 that the two bodies found in Charente-Maritime are those of Leslie and Kevin, who have been missing for...
Subject digital baccalaureate and computer science – NSI: what to expect in 2023?
SUBJECT BAC NSI. The 2023 baccalaureate exams in the "digital and computer science" (NSI) specialty will take place on March 20 or 21. Here's...
Abortion in the Constitution: what does Macron's promise change?
CONSTITUTION. Emmanuel Macron has announced a bill to allow the right to abortion to be enshrined in the Constitution. However, a few subtleties could...
Parcoursup 2023: evaluate your wishes before deciding
PARCOURSUP 2023. Choosing from over 21,000 proposals can make you dizzy. On this last day of formulating Parcoursup wishes, consult our advice and a...
Subject of the test "Humanities, literature and philosophy" at the baccalaureate: what to expect...
BAC HLP 2023. The "Humanities, Literature and Philosophy" test at the baccalaureate takes place either Monday, March 20 or Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Are...
Refinery Strike: One Blockage Lifted, All Others Extended
A blockage was lifted in a refinery in Normandy but the strike is renewed in the six other sites in mainland France. What about...