The fencing champion now wants to defend herself with the International Fencing Federation.

His positive test a few weeks ago had the effect of a bomb in the fencing world. Ysaora Thibus, one of the big favorites in foil at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, tested positive for ostarine and decided not to request the analysis of a B sample, recognizing the presence of the substance in her body .

But despite this admission, the fencer does not recognize the intentional nature of this hold. In a press release published this Tuesday, February 20, the Frenchwoman explains that she “was exposed by contamination to ostarine” and “renounced the analysis of sample B”, “in order to shorten the time of this procedure as much as possible”. His press release:

I do not question the results of the analysis of sample A especially since it appears from the explorations carried out by my team that I was indeed exposed by contamination, in spite of myself, during the inspection period. However, I still deny with the greatest firmness having administered any doping substance to myself,” the fencer explains in the press release.

“My team and I are moving in the right direction and we have already been able to identify the probable origin of this contamination despite my daily vigilance and precautions. This is what we will endeavor to demonstrate to the International Federation of Fencing and thus prove my innocence”, continues the one who “continues [her] preparation with determination so that [her] dream of participating in the Olympics at home is a reality and that nothing, especially not an injustice, can prevent it “.

In rather technical detail, this compound is a “selective androgen receptor modulator”. When it binds to the androgen receptors of the cells of the male or female body, the effect of the testosterone naturally produced by the human body is increased, and the muscles gain mass. Ostarine is classified as Category S1.2 (as “other anabolic agents”) by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

But as a 2023 study explains, originally, ostarine (or Enobosarm) was developed in 2004 by Merck laboratories “to increase muscle mass and bone density in the elderly or in patients suffering from of muscle wasting, whatever the origin of this wasting”,