A very simple test allows you to evaluate your sporting skills in a few seconds, whether you practice sport or not at all…

Do you have any sporting skills or not? Whether you exercise regularly and intensively or not at all, there are very reliable indicators of your athletic condition. And some do not require a battery of complex tests. According to François Carré, physical performance specialist, there is even an ideal place to measure your state of fitness and know if you are a great athlete or, on the contrary, if you need to start shaking up a little: the stairs! A little method is enough to get a clear idea of ??your physical condition.

This major sports promoter has developed a very simple test, which requires no equipment and can be carried out on the stairs of any building or building, whether at home, at work or elsewhere. It simply involves climbing the stairs at a brisk pace, until you are forced to slow down or stop. Be careful, it’s not enough to walk at a fast pace: you really have to run up the stairs, not going as fast as possible, but at a brisk trot.

As François Carré explains in an article published by Le Parisien, we obtain a fairly reliable assessment of its level based on the number of floors that can be climbed at this rate. Below two floors, you have to take care of yourself. You are not a great athlete and it is even time to do a little exercise to work on your endurance. Regular practice of sport or minimal physical activity can be implemented: for example, start by walking about an hour a day and you will already be able to observe some effects on your performance.

On the other hand, from six floors climbed at a sustained pace, the lessons you can start to consider yourself quite sporty. If you stop after six floors, you can conclude that you are in good physical condition, with quite decent endurance. If you reach eight floors, you are even in excellent physical condition. From ten floors onwards, you begin to reach the level of a true athlete with well-above average endurance.

These conclusions must obviously be put into perspective depending on the age and particularities of each person. As our lifestyle becomes more and more sedentary, this exercise simply, yet remarkably effectively measures endurance, which itself is an excellent indicator of overall fitness. Take this test to find out your sporting level and know if you need to practice more physical activity