The woningleegstand in the city on 1 January 2019 and 1 percent, according to figures from the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS). It’s going to be 2.210 homes.
as Of the 2.210 of the vacant houses, there were 1.070, a year before the whole of the mediterranean. In addition, the long-term vacancy rate.
the Nationwide are more than 113.000 houses are empty, of which 54.000 a year ago leegstonden. The vacancy rate is the highest in rental properties that are not owned by corporations.
The total number of vacant residential properties, according to the study, between 2016 and 2019, fairly consistent. In the study, is the living quarters with a private entrance from the public right of way, such as single-family homes, apartment building, or walk-up flats and student housing.