MEP Valérie Hayer, newly appointed head of the Renew group in the European Parliament, has been entrusted with new responsibilities by the President of the Republic. She will lead the Renaissance list in the next European elections.

Valérie Hayer, from shadow to light. The discreet MEP has been named head of the presidential camp’s list for the next European elections (June 9, 2024), according to information from La Tribune Dimanche. The presidential list, which will include candidates from Modem, Horizons and the UDI, will launch its campaign on March 9 at a meeting in Lille. On January 25, she was appointed head of Renew, the third group in the European Parliament. Since then, there have been whispers behind the scenes at Macronie that she could take on more responsibilities. It is now done.

“I am the daughter of farmers, sister of farmers, sister-in-law of farmers, granddaughter of farmers” said the MEP after her appointment as head of the Renew Europe group. A way of recalling its origins and presenting the future of agriculture as a “concern that we all share” in a context of crisis in the agricultural sector. Origins that the elected official also claims through her political roots, she who was departmental councilor of Mayenne between 2015 and 2021, and which combined with political experience made the 37-year-old woman a “perfect muse for the presidential majority ” according to the Renaissance MP, Sacha Houlié.

Valérie Hayer, highly appreciated by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, was also approached to move to the Ministry of Agriculture, in place of Marc Fesneau, during the last reshuffle, according to Le Figaro. Initially included on the list for the reshuffle, she did not resist the pressure exerted by François Bayrou’s MoDem to keep the current minister in office.

Municipal councilor of Saint-Denis-d’Anjou, departmental councilor of Mayenne, European deputy and now president of the Renew Europe group, Valérie Hayer has been climbing the political ladder since 2008. First joined the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI ) in 2015, she joined Emmanuel Macron’s La République en Marche in 2017 and was one of the early Macronists. She was also the co-leader of the Renaissance elected representatives in the European Parliament. His speeches and positions seem to suit all the majority forces, including MoDem and Horizons. Having just been appointed president of the Renew group, the thirty-year-old graduate in public law and finance must therefore take on a new challenge, that of the European elections as head of the list for Renaissance.