The Tyrolean Surprise arrangement could cripple the holidays, the start of the transport to Munich. The police, with a drastic warning to all motorists.

Update 6. June: , The country’s main team Tirol Wednesday evening announced that the province of Tirol (Austria) in the short term for Friday, the 07.06.2019, from 12.00 PM and on Saturday, the 08.06.2019 after the end of the night driving ban from 05.00 PM, the Truck Block check-in has been arranged.

initial message, 5. June

Munich Already on Thursday can be the A8 (Munich – Salzburg) and the inntalautobahn (A93) to Hell. According to police, the Austrian province of Tyrol as from 5 o’clock in a block clearance for Trucks. At the height of the exit Kufstein-Nord is set up by the police, then a so-called Dosing, at the hourly only 250 Trucks passing is allowed.

there Are more, have to wait for the trucks. The rest of the traffic can pass the constriction only on one lane, which leads to long traffic jams often up to the A8 motorway, just behind Munich. With the Block Austria Truck traffic on the Inntal motorway, and in the space of Innsbruck to avoid and therefore takes on traffic in Germany want to check-in.

A8/A93 in Bavaria: returnees in the direction of Munich controls in a traffic jam

On Friday and Saturday because of the border, in particular, the motorways a 7 (Würzburg-according to the ADAC feet), the A8 (Munich-Salzburg), the A9 (Nürnberg-München), the A93 (triangle Inntal – Kufstein) and the A95/B2 (Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen) and the A99 (Munich bypass) in Munich, of the Pentecostal trip shaft affected.

Basically, you need all the trunk roads in the direction of the South, a lot of patience. Who returns from the holiday back home, then to the Bavarian Border Suben (A3), Walser mountain (A8) and kiefersfelden (A93) because of the border controls in a traffic jam.

A8/A93 in Bavaria: Even in slow traffic is not necessarily a rescue alley form

In a traffic jam, drivers have to make necessarily a rescue lane. The police and the ADAC pointed out that even in slow traffic as a precautionary measure, space for emergency vehicles must be made.

The emergency lane is formed always between the left and the other lanes. Who does not should expect to pay a fine in the amount of up to 320 Euro. In addition, it is forbidden even in a traffic jam, driving on the hard shoulder.

Who’s doing this to get around faster to the rest area or exit, risking a fine in the amount of 75 Euro and a point in Flensburg.