The European elections will be held in all European countries over four days. But when will French voters be able to vote?

What day should we go to vote for the 2024 European elections? It all depends on the country you live in. The elections are taking place in the 27 member countries of the European Union and from June 6 to 9 inclusive, but in France polling stations will only be open for one day.

In France, all elections are usually held on a Sunday and the European elections will be no exception to the rule. In fact, it is during the day of Sunday June 9, 2024 that French people registered on the electoral lists will be able to slip a ballot into the ballot box and vote in the European elections.

However, some French voters will be able to vote from June 8: those who live in the Caribbean islands and on the American continent. Due to the time difference, voters living in these regions of the globe will vote on Saturday and not on Sunday.

European elections are held simultaneously in the 27 member countries of the European Union, but voting is held according to each country’s own conditions. Thus, the profile of voters can change from one country to another: the right to vote is granted at the age of 18 in the majority of European countries, but in Greece voters can vote from the age of 17 and in Austria from the age of 16. years.

The same goes for the voting date. Most European Union countries usually hold elections on Sundays, so the European elections will take place on June 9 in most countries. But in certain territories, electoral tradition means that the polls are organized on another day: Thursday in the Netherlands, Friday in Ireland or even Saturday in Latvia. It is to respect the electoral habits of each country that the European elections extend over four days. The Dutch voters will open the ball by voting on Thursday 6, will follow the Irish and the Czechs on Friday 7, then Latvia, Slovakia, Malta, Italy and again the Czech Republic (the vote lasts two days) will organize the vote on Saturday 8.