This sum is in addition to the plan of aid by 170 million euros released in may by the previous government.

Jean Castex was back on the field Wednesday. Accompanied by the minister of Agriculture Julien Denormandie, he first visited an organic farm in Menetou-Salon, in the north-east of Bourges, before going to the house of wines of Sancerre. The Prime minister has subsequently announced an additional allocation of 80 million euros to support the vine-growers, hard hit by the consequences of the crisis of the sars coronavirus.

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in This envelope is added to the plan of aid by 170 million euros released in may by the previous government. “I have asked that this aid can be distributed as quickly as possible because the cash requirements (…) are strong,” added the Prime minister.

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Without going into detail, Jean Castex has specified that such aid would be intended to improve the storage of the surplus and to increase the distillation of unsold. “In any case, we made the choice, of course, allow these companies to pass this crisis in the best possible conditions,” assured Jean Castex, who had to interact with local professionals at the maison des vins de Sancerre.

A shortfall of at least € 1.5 billion

The Prime minister had visited previously in another area of the Cher, on an organic farm in Menetou-Salon. “Quality, quality, quality, that is the spearhead of our viticulture, it is necessary to encourage the quality,” argued Jean Castex.

“we must encourage the political sector to prepare for this transition environmental”, he also pointed out promising a “support State”.

In total, the winemakers believe that the health crisis has created a shortfall of at least 1.5 billion euros due to the shutdown of bars, restaurants, gathering, festive and tourism.

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the crisis of the novel coronavirus is also added to the effect of the u.s. sanctions imposed in late 2019 on the wines of less than 14 degrees (excluding sparkling wines), in retaliation for a trade dispute between Airbus and Boeing.