Sitting for long hours during the day is not recommended. We now even know that a limit must not be exceeded to counter the effects on health.

Sedentary lifestyle is a way of life now anchored in the daily lives of many French people. According to an expert report from the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) dating from 2020, 95% of the population would be exposed to the risk of deterioration of health due to lack of physical activity. and prolonged time spent sitting.

“Spending too much time sitting is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer, a form of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and even dementia,” explains Martine Duclos, head of the sports medicine department at the University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand and president of Onaps, in an article in National Geographic. However, “on average, we sit for twelve hours on working days and nine hours on non-working days,” recalls the department head.

In his latest book “Move more, live better!”, which he co-signed with French decathlete Kevin Mayer, Michel Cymes wanted to emphasize this message for all French people who spend most of their day sitting on a chair ( or on the sofa). According to the PAF’s favorite doctor, designated “Paris 2024 health ambassador” for the Olympics, sitting for too long kills.

Supporting figures, he explains that “sitting for more than 7 hours a day increases the risk of dying by 59% compared to those who spend less than 4 hours!” An alarming statement since according to the National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Life (Onaps), at least half of adults in France have an average or high level of sedentary lifestyle, and this concerns 90% for executives.

In the United States, the term “Sitting is the new smoking” is chanted by several specialists, but be careful of the confusion: there is a world of difference between an addiction and a habit. And above all, the damage to the body linked to smoking is irreversible, whereas a person who spends a lot of time sitting can certainly compensate for the damage suffered by their body by regularly practicing sustained sporting activity.

The shock sentence is mainly intended to raise awareness. Because the situation is, according to experts, “catastrophic”. Society is becoming more and more sedentary, particularly due to the covid crisis, the development of teleworking and the increase in time spent in front of screens. Today, this phenomenon no longer only affects workers and retirees but also children and adolescents.

If the solution of asking your employer to invest in “sit-stand” desks seems unlikely, Michel Cymes explains that there are possibilities to adapt your habits: alternate between a sitting and standing position or attend meetings standing . In all cases, he recommends getting up for at least one minute per hour.