Did you know that some online stores offer a little-known, but sometimes effective, technique to lower the price of their items on sale?

Many people enjoy shopping directly in store. This allows you to benefit from the opinion of staff rather than going through an online after-sales service, or a possible chatbot. On the other hand, this does not always guarantee the best prices on the products you are looking for. Because shopping online generally allows you to benefit from many advantages. In addition to saving you a trip to the store, where you will get lost in the shelves for hours looking for your product, purchasing on the Internet allows you to take advantage of some promotions sometimes exclusive to the brand’s website. .

Some large brands notably practice a technique that is relatively widespread, but still very little known. The latter allows you to inflate or lower the prices of certain items online based on just a few parameters! This technique has been widely commented on in recent days on social networks and many Internet users have even questioned its legality or even its veracity. Indeed, a seemingly trivial item can see its price rise or fall by around twenty euros depending on a well-hidden detail on your device.

Explanation: when you visit a sales site, certain websites record your visits and in particular the items you view online. Thus, the various data “cached” on the website in question indicate that you have already looked at this or that pair of shoes, this or that high-tech product or this or that handbag or backpack. This allows certain sites, like CDiscount for example, to offer you a lower price when you hesitate to leave the page or come back to it.

Thus, we were able to see a 140×190 cm mattress from Luxury Literie, usually sold at 149.90 euros, drop to less than 140 euros in a few minutes. All you have to do is browse the site a little and return to the article page to see a new button appear with the words “discover your personalized discount”. A new price was then displayed, with around ten euros reduction.

This technique is not new and it is regularly practiced by certain well-known sales sites to catch up with hesitant consumers or those about to abandon their purchase. Some also keep data linked to a possible Adblock activated to modify the prices you consult as well as your location. If you want to have the best price on a product, it is therefore strongly recommended to consult the latter by clearing the cached data of the site, or even to use a VPN to check the prices displayed according to your location.