The amount of taxes may fall this year for some French people depending on the income received.

It is one of the rituals of the new year. Millions of employees will try to negotiate a salary increase during annual interviews. This meeting between the employee and his/her manager(s) is an opportunity, every year, to take stock of the past year, the results recorded, the objectives for the months to come and, also (especially ?), to talk about remuneration. Very often, workers arrive with the firm intention of asking for better pay. But not being too greedy can pay off from a tax perspective.

In 2024, the level of each tax bracket was increased by 4.8%, to the level of inflation in 2023. However, the formula for calculating taxes being complex, this is not because the increase in your income was, at most, 4.8% that you will pay as much or less in taxes.

In the spring, you will declare all income earned in 2023. If, that year, your income increased compared to 2022, without exceeding a certain level, this will allow you not to pay more taxes. Or even pay less. As the proportions are not the same depending on income, Linternaute calculated the increase in income that should not be exceeded between 2022 and 2023 to avoid paying more taxes in 2024:

These calculations therefore contradict what Bruno Le Maire proudly announced. The Minister of the Economy declared on September 12: “all those whose salary increased in 2023 – the average increase is 5% – will not pay one euro more.” A false statement, agreed by the ministry which mentioned a “rather hasty” statement to Libération. If income is higher than shown in the table above, the tax amount will be much higher than last year.

However, it should be noted that a reduction in the amount paid in taxes is not always good news. In fact, this means that your salary has increased little in one year while the cost of living has continued to soar at all levels. Your income stagnates, your expenses increase… Your purchasing power therefore decreases. Paying taxes is ultimately not such bad news, reflecting your standard of living.