“No more traces of mold”, this powerful product acts quickly to eliminate traces of mold on bathroom joints.

Mold on grout in the bathroom is a common problem, often overlooked until it becomes visible and invasive. Tile joints, or silicone joints, due to their constant exposure to moisture, are areas particularly prone to the growth of mold and the appearance of black marks. In addition to its unsightly appearance, mold can also pose health risks, aggravating respiratory problems and triggering allergic reactions in certain sensitive people.

Removing black marks on joints is a really difficult and often discouraging household task. Few products are truly effective, and the results are not always visible. Among the existing solutions, one product seems to convince its users. This is Briochin anti-mold. This product is “very effective on the tile joints in my bathroom which had darkened a lot”, “very good”, “perfect” can we read on the internet among the numerous opinions on this product.

So we decided to test it for you. The result is much whiter joints if you leave the product on for 15 minutes (5 minutes is enough for lightly soiled joints. If they are very moldy, you must leave it on for longer). The other advantage: no need to scrub like crazy to remove unsightly marks. We still note a big drawback, its composition with bleach, a product today criticized for its harmful nature.

In addition to making black marks disappear, if “used regularly, it prevents mold from settling again” confides Chantal, a customer. If this product is so effective, it is precisely “thanks to its bleach-based formula” explains Briochin. It cleans, destroys mold, disinfects and whitens joints (silicone, tiles). It even cleans shower curtains that get mold.

To use it, nothing could be simpler. Spray the product 15 to 20 times per m2 from a distance of 20 cm and leave to act. Rub with a damp sponge and rinse thoroughly. Its little extra? Its foam texture for targeted cleaning which adheres to the walls.

How long does it take to act? Its action is rapid. For bactericidal activity, 5 minutes is more than enough. For fungicidal activity, leave it on for longer, 15 minutes minimum. When using the product, it is advisable to wear gloves and protect yourself from splashes on clothes (bleach bleaches), but also to ventilate the room during and after use.