on Monday, the tests of continuous control of the bachelor’s degree have been disrupted in some schools, causing a feeling of anxiety among the parents of the students.

human Chains in front of the gates, blocking of doors, guards absent… For some students, the first tests of continuous control of the bachelor’s degree didn’t really go as planned, this morning (Monday). The exams, divided into three sessions over two years and which account for 30% of the final grade of the tray, are widely decried by some teachers, who ask for their removal. Since a few days, teachers ‘ unions are calling on the social networks for a variety of actions of blocking to stop this “new bac”, decided by Jean-Michel Blanquer from 2018 and far from unanimous.

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A climate burden, sometimes a source of anxiety for the hundreds of high school students supposed to floor this Monday on these famous events of common core – also known as “EC3” – which focuses on the history, geography, modern languages, or mathematics. But students are not the only ones to be troubled by this reform and the blockages that result. “Among the parents of the students, it is a bit of panic aboard,” says Rodrigo Arenas, co-chair of the Federation of councils of parents (CIPF), the majority union. And the volunteer does not mince his words : “For most of them, it is a happy mess, whose first victims are their children.”

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“there is stress, misunderstanding, anger”

the Strikes of supervisors, disruption during examinations, refusal of the teachers to choose the subjects… To the CIPF, the consequences of the reform are too difficult to wear for teens. “We ask for the postponement of these tests, since the conditions are not in place today to ensure that students are treated equally,” said Rodrigo Arenas with The Express. For the activist, “this reform was poorly prepared”, and the “students are the first to drink a toast”. In some institutions, such as the lycée Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, trials have even been cancelled and postponed as of this weekend.

“This creates a mixture of feelings that are very negative in the parents. There are the stress, incomprehension, anger… a Lot of them are extremely upset,” said Rodrigo Arenas. For him, many of the parents of students “do not understand that now” that these tests will count for the final note on the tray, and worry “I don’t understand the reform”. “Those who are supposed to be the first to accompany the children sometimes are not able to help,” stresses the activist. “They don’t know whether they should or should not prevent their son or their daughter to pass the exam, because they do not know what will happen in the end”, he complained.

parents “paralyzed”

“All the world is torn,” said Eric Labastie, parent of a student of the 1st and himself a member of the CIPF. If it ensures that the establishment of his daughter, in Bordeaux, “was not concerned” by the blockages on this Monday morning, it remains concerned about the stress that this climate may result on teenagers. “They are tormented by the race organization, by the way will unfold these reviews. We have a lot of feedback from parents anxious, who entrust us with having to spend a lot of time with their children to calm these fears”.

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Even the sound of a bell on the side of Poitiers, where Hervé Piquion, also father of a student in 1st, and a member of the CIPF, deplores “the conditions” for the conduct of these trials. At the lycée du Bois-Love, where he is the leader of the Federation, “no real disruption” has currently taken place, he points out. “But we have a lot of applications that are growing in number of concerned parents, who wonder how it all will end”.

A feeling which seems to be widespread : in Noisy-le-Sec, “the parents of the students meet this [Monday] evening in order to agree on the need to react,” says the adviser, CIPF 93 to The Express. His counterpart in the Midi-Pyrenees trust their returns, “parents are paralyzed, who have the feeling that the administration and the academic authorities discover themselves what they implement”. For Rodrigo Arenas, the conclusion is simple : “On the ground, the parents are at the end of the roll”.


However, some parents of students continue to support the reform and its implementation. “If there’s stress for some, this is mainly related to the non-understanding of these changes”, swatch and Gérard Pommier, national president of the Federation of parents of students in public education (PEEP). “But the vast majority of parents who have joined the reform do not care about and even find it positive”, he says, considering that it is now time to “let the students dial into serenity.”

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To him, “any reform generates anxiety, puiwhen you leave a system that was highly criticized in order to enter another. It takes time to adapt, but the blockages are far to fix things”, slice the president of the Federation, which advises “to communicate the most,” allay the concerns “of all sides”.

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The tray 2020 to the continuous control, between relief and doubt Tray : the two scenarios envisaged by the government of New tray : a more flexible schedule for the second session of the continuous control

On this point, the FCPE and PEEP are in agreement : these blocks should not be subjected to students “double-penalty”. “We hope in any case that students are the victims of disruption this [Monday] morning will be able to benefit from sessions of catch-up. We believe sincerely that things will eventually calm down”, adds Gérard Pommier. By the month of June, the 1 students will spend a second session of monitoring. The third will take place during the year of their Terminal, prior to the final examination of the bachelor’s degree.