The new increase in this bill will be a further blow to the budgets of many households.

The transition to the new year was accompanied, like every year, by an increase in a number of things: slight (a priori) increases for salaries and social benefits; high (that’s for sure) for many everyday purchases and bills. So, in this year 2024, we will have to put our hands in our pockets a little more. And if certain budget items can be cut, others cannot be reduced.

Constrained expenses represent 30 to 60% of the monthly budget. These mainly concern housing, energy, transport, health and even communication costs. Among these items, it is that of housing that weighs the most, whether we are talking about rent or credit. But that’s not all: for the 20 million French people who own one or more residences, they also have to pay property tax.

In 2023, its minimum increase was a hard blow for the purchasing power of these households: 7.1% minimum for everyone, without counting the local surpluses which had caused many bills to skyrocket, as in Paris (59%), Meudon (42.2%), Grenoble (31.5%) and Bobigny (25.6%). In 2024, the increase should be less spectacular but all property taxes will increase again.

According to calculations established based on inflation, all owners will have to pay a higher amount of 3.9% compared to 2023. Thus, if your land was €500 in 2023, it will be, at a minimum, €519.50 in 2024; it will also increase from €800 to €831.20, from €1000 to €1039 or even €2000 to €2078.

These bills may be higher if your municipality and/or intermunicipality decides so. Communities have until Monday April 15, 2024 to decide. Three options are available to them: not adding an additional increase to that of inflation, increasing the amount of land even more than expected… or lowering it. Rare, but not impossible: the inhabitants of a few small towns had seen this pleasant surprise arrive in 2023.

To ease the pain, it was possible to set up a monthly deduction of property tax until December 31, 2023. You could ask the tax authorities, directly on their site, to deduct a little each month, from February , in order to avoid paying the bill all at once next fall. The monthly amount is calculated from the cost of the last property tax then regularization is generally carried out in November and December.