A 29-Year-old is missing after a mountain tour. Now there is a sad certainty. The woman was found by the mountain rescue dead.

Missing from victory village found dead

Update 10. December, 15.50 PM: On Monday morning was the search for a total of 30 man of the mountain woke up Ruhpolding, Inzell and the mountains and the Alpine group of the police Grassau and Berchtesgaden intensified after the phone was able to locate the Missing persons in the area of saurüssel head and straightening strichkogel.

In the course of the search of the backpack of the Missing in steep, rocky was able to be determined by terrain. In the further course of the Missing could be found, only dead, as the police station Ruhpolding.

The 29-year-old from victory village was recovered wakes up through the mountain, the investigation into the cause of the accident is conducted by an officer of the Alpine group, Grassau. Based on the current determination level is assumed to be an accident and third-party negligence to be excluded.

initial report: search for Missing from victory village

victory village Since Saturday, the 8. December, is missing from the municipality the area of victory village, the 29-year-old Sarah F.. The Victory of the Carinthian group is made up broke, allegedly, in the morning hours to a mountain trip with an unknown destination in the area of Ruhpolding.

has Since be restored to your no contact. The police inspection Traunstein reported. Her vehicle was found abandoned in a Parking lot in Laubau/Ruhpolding.


about 165 cm tall with dark longer hair, slim To the clothing worn, no Details known, Probably the Missing leads a blue, medium-large backpack manufacturer Deuter with brown wall, probably wears boots with red laces.

anyone Who has seen the Missing, and. for this purpose, notes Avrupabet to the police inspection Traunstein Tel 0861/9873-110, or any other police Department?

About the search for the Missing also chiemgau24.de* reported.

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*chiemgau24.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.