If you prune these plants now, you will be rewarded in spring with extraordinary blooms. To your secateurs:

Autumn is a season of great importance for gardeners. If we often talk about plantings and soil amendments during this period, pruning is also a crucial action to carry out on certain plants to ensure a good recovery in spring. And October is often the ideal month for this activity. So, which plants need a little trimming in October? Follow the leader!

1. Everbearing rose bushes: These rose bushes, unlike those which only flower once a year, have the particularity of giving roses several times during the season. To encourage generous flowering next spring, do not hesitate to lightly prune your everbearing rose bushes in October. This fall pruning will eliminate faded flowers and small, stunted branches.

2. Hydrangeas: Hydrangea is a beautiful plant, but to keep it looking its best, proper pruning is necessary. In October, this will mainly involve removing faded flower heads. This will encourage the establishment of new buds for the following spring.

3. Summer Flowering Shrubs: Many shrubs flower during the summer. Once they have finished flowering, pruning may be beneficial. This helps give a harmonious shape to the shrub, while eliminating faded flowers and dead or diseased branches.

4. Trained fruit trees: Fruit trees, such as trained apple or pear trees, appreciate fall pruning. This pruning, carried out in October, promotes better distribution of sap and optimal fruiting the following year.

5. Perennials: While not all perennials require pruning in October, some will benefit greatly. This helps prevent plants from being overly invaded by their own foliage or by other plants. This way, they will be able to grow back vigorously from the start of spring.

6. Lavender: This Mediterranean plant adored for its captivating scent requires pruning after flowering. In October, prune it lightly to give it a compact shape. This will stimulate the growth of new branches in spring.

It is essential to remember that pruning must be done carefully. Always use sharp, clean tools. Also, for each type of plant, find out the most suitable pruning technique. On the other hand, certain plants should not be pruned at this time of year. If you are unsure about a particular species, do not hesitate to consult an expert or specialized resource. It is always better to be careful than to regret an inappropriate size.