Two of a 15-year-old boys in november of last year, a train is fired on the route between the cities of Tilburg and Breda, were convicted and sentenced to community service, from thirty hours to the netherlands. This confirms a spokesman for the court in Zeeland-West-Brabant on Thursday afternoon, after notice, by his thigh.

The two men should be together to 15,000 euro at the Dutch railroad company and given twenty-four hours leerstraf imposed on them. The compensation of the NS to the damage suffered, confirming a form of

The court finds that there has been “serious violations”, but it is good to see that the young offenders are in discussion with the NS. Also, the guys have a excuusbrief to be written.

finally, A train arrived on Friday the 22nd of november at the railway station in Breda, with fifteen pieces of windows. Also on the platform at the train station of Eindhoven, was of a train entering a broken window pane. There were no injuries.

The boys were on the same night will be charged as a resident of the Thirst of a small group of young people with a possible firearm was seen. The two men had a balletjespistool and gasdrukpistool of steel balls on him. The weapons have been confiscated, it is not yet clear how the teens are in one of the images came out.