Cleaning sand from a car requires some important precautions to avoid damaging the bodywork.

Temperatures exceeding 20 degrees in early April are cause for celebration. Except that the weather forecast for the coming weekend won’t make everyone happy. They even risk despairing many motorists. Because the wave of hot air coming from Africa and expected in France from Saturday is not going to come alone. It will bring with it sand, a lot of sand, directly from the Sahara Desert. The phenomenon, already observed in the south-east of France a few days ago, will this time become widespread over a large part of the territory. If the change of the sky from blue to orange gives it a somewhat apocalyptic side, it is above all the deposit of infinite grains of sand on the ground which makes us think of the end of the world.

Because if the forecasts are confirmed, millions of French people will find themselves with a dirty car at the end of the weekend. No matter the color of your vehicle, light or dark, the sand will temporarily yellow the bodywork. Problem, like in clothes after a day at the beach, the sand is particularly sticky and gets stuck everywhere. Don’t expect it to disappear on its own, and even a downpour would not rid your vehicle of all the grains, especially since the rain also risks being loaded with sand… To prevent it from attacking the bodywork, it is strongly recommended not to delay too much before washing your car. But be careful, there are a few rules you absolutely must know before cleaning a stuck vehicle.

First, don’t take the easy way out, namely rushing into an automatic car wash equipped with rollers. The ten euros spent could in fact cost you much more because the rollers do not mix well with sand. Their friction with the grains on the bodywork is likely to cause scratches on the paint or even on the windows. And there to repair the damage, the bill at the bodybuilder risks being very steep. The best way to get rid of sand on a car is to clean it with a jet or at home, but here too certain actions should be avoided. The sponge and cloth, usually effective in removing traces of dirt, will move the grains and also cause scratches on the paint. So how do you do it?

The solution is to use a jet of water, if possible with strong pressure, to remove all the grains of sand stuck to the car. Do not hesitate to focus on all parts of the vehicle, including those at the bottom and on the wheels. The water pressure will remove all the sand and restore your car to its original color. One last recommendation for the road: always remember to keep a certain distance from your vehicle when using a high-pressure jet so as not to damage… its paint or door seals. That would be nerd.