BAC. Who has the baccalaureate 2023? In a few clicks, find out who is a laureate in an academy. Enter the name of a candidate to find out if he has a bachelor’s degree and with what honors.

The results of the 2023 baccalaureate are accessible in their entirety this Tuesday, July 4: it is today that all the academies reveal the last marks and give the diplomas to the winners, in the examination centers or high schools of the candidates. By the end of this day, the 718,723 baccalaureate candidates will discover their results, the outcome of a 2023 session which revealed the limits of the baccalaureate reform.

At the beginning of the day, the result of the bac was already marked by a first clue: the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye announced a success rate of 84.9% at the national level before the catch-ups. A figure down slightly from last year.

To find out in one click if a candidate has had the 2023 baccalaureate, it’s very simple: use the search engine below, it allows you to find the results of the baccalaureate by academy, by city and even by candidate’s name.

The marks of the candidates are not displayed, they remain confidential and are given online on the Cyclades platform or on the report card communicated in the examination center. Senior high school students in the general, technological and vocational streams can therefore consult their results online or on notice boards in the courtyard of their establishment.

Candidates with between 8 and 9.99/10 can take the remedial tests, and their final result will then be integrated into our platform once the scores have been sent to the academies. You should know that the lists of admitted candidates published by media sites, such as Linternaute, do not include people who did not wish to see their results for the general baccalaureate, technological baccalaureate or professional baccalaureate published.

This 2023 edition launched the new baccalaureate which, for the first time since the 2019 reform, came into full effect this year, the Covid epidemic having delayed its application. Terminale students took two specialty tests in March, the two major subjects chosen by each senior high school student and which alone account for a third of the results of the baccalaureate.

The mark of the baccalaureate is also only 60% based on the so-called “terminal” tests: the specialty tests therefore, but also written and oral French, passed in first class, as well as philosophy and the great oral, passed in Terminale, in June. Since the reform of the exam, 40% of the result of the baccalaureate is indeed based on continuous assessment.

If there is still the sesame necessary to start higher education, the baccalaureate has thus been disrupted by this new calendar. In addition to the continuous assessment, the grades for the specialty tests were announced in April, encouraging students to calculate their (near) final average and therefore release the pressure. Many high school students also knew their orientation for next year even before the final exams in mid-June, Parcoursup giving its answers to future students since June 1.

Result: many high school students left the classrooms in the spring, some or almost some of them already having their baccalaureate and fixed on their future. Enough to make some teeth cringe within the National Education.

The unions have asked the Minister of Education for adjustments to try to remedy absenteeism against which opponents of the new formula baccalaureate had in vain warned. The successor of Jean-Michel Blanquer, initiator of the baccalaureate reform, himself admitted that the current formula “is not suitable”. “We absolutely need to change things,” he conceded.

In order to provide concrete solutions “before the start of the school year”, Pap Ndiaye has entrusted a former rector, William Marois, with a mission on this subject.