About 118.000 people in 2019, has been diagnosed with cancer, writes the Dutch on Monday, based on data from the Dutch cancer registry. This is an increase of about two-thousand patients, in relation to the previous year.

the rate of Population growth and ageing are the causes for the increase. Older people are more likely to get cancer.

The survival rate of cancer patients is about 65 per cent, and is rising by about one percentage point per year, and it was a few weeks ago, is already well-known. However, the cancer every year, and all of the disease, most victims in the Netherlands according to the DUTCH Cancer society.

skin Cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer were the five most frequently occurring types of cancer for the past year, reports the bbc news. The top five is the same as that of the previous year.

More than half of the patients would have to deal with skin cancer. According to the comprehensive Cancer center, the number of cases of skin cancer and is the fastest of all types of cancer. Excessive exposure to UV radiation plays a major role: the DUTCH Cancer society, warned in a meeting with NU.nl all that you can’t have to let it burn.