May transfers will not arrive on the same dates as usual.

These are the kind of transfers that are handled like clockwork. But, sometimes, the schedule forces things to shake up. Retirees will see their habits be turned upside down in May because pensions will be paid on different dates than usual. Around 13 million people are affected by these payments which are delayed from the usual schedule.

As every year, pension funds, basic or supplementary, publish a pension payment schedule. Thus, it is possible to know well in advance the date on which the transfers will arrive in your bank account. The basic pension, paid by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV), is sent most of the time on the 9th of the month. The supplementary retirement pension from Agirc-Arrco is transferred to the accounts on the 1st of each month.

Except that the month of May is always special. Its public holidays and bridges lead to payment delays every year. And 2024 will be no exception. Obviously, Wednesday May 1st is not a working day: it is Labor Day. All administrations are closed and even the banking system which allows payments to be made between banks is also closed that day. Furthermore, Wednesday May 8, the day commemorating the 1945 victory, and Thursday May 9, Ascension Day, are also public holidays in France. If the banking system functions normally, no one will work in France.

Faced with these calendar requirements, Agirc-Arrco has chosen to postpone pension payments until Thursday May 2. On that day, the organization will validate all the transfers to be made. These will therefore arrive in the accounts of retirees before the weekend. For its part, CNAV preferred to anticipate the situation and will make payments earlier than usual, on Monday May 7. So, the money should be credited by Thursday, May 9th. This choice was made to prevent retirees from only receiving their basic pension during the week of May 13.

No surprises to be had, therefore, if the basic pension is received in advance, nor even any worry if the supplement for ex-private employees is received later. This delay will not be the last of the year since, in the process, it will be the payments for the month of June which will, again, undergo some adjustments.