the Director-general, mr. Jaap Uijlenbroek, the Tax and customs administration, the highest-ranking public servant within the organization, you have to move because of the kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire, says the RTL News on Friday on the basis of the sources.

Uijlenbroek, it would have been short-term leave. A spokesman for the inland revenue, this could not be confirmed or denied. “We don’t make any statements about public officials,” he insists.

now, breaking News reported that prime minister Wopke Hoekstra of the Finances for the festive period, confidence in the Uijlenbroek was cancelled.

in The case of cost the secretary of state, That the Fast way (D66) in december, the head. The position of the person turned out to be untenable after new revelations and a lack of understanding about the weglakken of the documents in the files that are affected parents are the clarity needed to show why she has been unjustified, as he, are considered.

The case revolves around the unjust abandonment and the recovery of the childcare allowance the Dutch Tax authorities. The tax authorities, the parents, for years, knowingly and wilfully, wrongly, when he is on. Hundreds of thousands of parents were in financial trouble.

Since the departure of the Rapidly Hoekstra, the issue of the child care allowance is in control. The minister expects that the settlement of the case for at least a year. This is due to the fact it is not yet clear how many victims there are. A committee, under the leadership of the former minister, Piet Hein Donner, to do a survey and at the end of January, with a report.