You thought water didn’t have an expiration date? And yet, there is a date indicated on your bottles. Can you drink the water after the date has passed?

Water is essential to our survival, and it is therefore natural to ask questions about the safety of its consumption. Unlike many food products, water itself does not expire. And yet, you may have never noticed it, but water bottles have an expiration date. This date is more linked to the quality of the container than to that of the water itself. So, is it safe to drink an expired bottle of water?

The problem with an expired water bottle is the plastic. Over time, plastic bottles can release plastic microparticles into the water, particularly if exposed to heat or sunlight. Particles that can break down in water are of concern because of their potential health effects and can disrupt your endocrine system. This is why manufacturers often recommend not drinking water from bottles that have passed their expiration date, but also to drink a bottle that has been lying in your car exposed to the sun for weeks.

To avoid any risk, store your water bottles correctly, away from heat and light. If you find yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to drink water from an expired bottle, here are some precautions you can take:

In general, if the bottle is in good condition, has been stored properly, and doesn’t have a strange taste or smell, it’s probably safe to drink even if it’s expired. However, if you have any doubts, especially if it has been exposed to adverse conditions, it is always best to err on the side of caution and opt for a newer bottle.