The European Commission has conditionally agreed the acquisition of the Us company Allergan, through its professional AbbVie to 63 billion dollars (57 billion euros), writes the news agency Reuters. Allergan should therefore be the development of a medicine for darmziektes disposal. This gave the Americans the permission.

the rejection of The darmmedicijn is in accordance with the Commission’s need mededingingsoverwegingen. This is to ensure that people with darmziektes in the future from a significant number of treatments to be able to choose from, and there is no unnecessary high amount to have to pay for it.

Farmareus AbbVie products include drugs to treat rheumatism and skin disease or psoriasis. Allergan is best to book as botoxfabrikant. The companies intend for the merger of their market position to strengthen, grow faster, and financial benefits.

Last year AbbVie is known Allergan for this price, don’t take it. The annual turnover of the company, with a presence in more than 175 countries around the world amounted to about 48 billion u.s. dollars. When the deal is closed, a fall of 83 per cent of the new company held by the shareholders of AbbVie. The rest is owned by Allergan.