the Dutch political party D66, Member of parliament Sjoerd Sjoerdsma is the best month to have a working visit to Russia. The member of parliament by the Russian government on the list. The Dutch political party D66’on Monday, having heard from the minister in This Block of the Foreign office.
“I’ve got this morning, from the minister’s Bloc have been told that I am a Russian sanctielijst am,” says Sjoersdma at “Attempts to put me on the list-unfortunately, they failed to do so.”
A formal reason as to why he was in the country, no, he has not been given. That means it will be at the end of February, no flash and runs with the permanent parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs to pay a working visit to Russia.
the Minister’s Block, please let a comment to know that the refusal to accept. “It is important to ensure representatives have the opportunity to be informed about the situation in Russia and the dialogue with their Russian colleagues,” said the minister.
He has endeavoured to Sjoerdsma and (c) if the sanctielijst to get by, inter alia, to the Russian ambassador to come in, but to no avail.
Sjoerdsma out more criticism of Putin, < / p> According to the Russians, is Sjoerdsma a sanctielijst, but the Member himself didn’t. In addition, the Committee invited the state Duma, the Russian parliament.
The Dutch political party D66-buitenlandwoordvoerder, and a former diplomat, suspected that his refusal to deal with the criticism dealt out by the Russian government. “It’s no secret that I’m not a big fan of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.”
Sjoerdsma was one of the originators of the European mensenrechtensanctiewet, which is unofficially named after the Russian of Sergei Magnitsky. Magnitsky died under suspicious circumstances in a Russian prison cell. The sanctions act is that the Russians are a thorn in the side.
as a Member of parliament, it is also always critical of the “smoke screens”, which Russia has erected around the MH17 investigation.
in Criticism becomes sensitive, the string
With the denial of entry to Russia see Sjoerdsma, however, that his criticism of the regime of vladimir Putin, a raw nerve touched. Nevertheless, he believes that it is to be regretted that it was impossible for him to be with his Russian colleagues, members of parliament, and the Russian critics in a dialogue.
“Let it be clear that my refusal will not, in relation to some of the critics in Russia on a daily basis, be subjected to,” says Sjoerdsma.
this is not the first time that Russia has Dutch members of parliament the right to reject. In 2015, it put Russia’s 89 political and military actors on the list, who are the Second Members of parliament Michiel Servaes (PvdA), and Louis Bontes (I didn’t). Also, the liberal party (VVD) Member of the european parliament Hans van Baalen was not welcome.