232,000 over the course of young French candidates for the bac just to have their first official contact with “the State”. They are not likely to forget. Back on the article published on June 29, 1961.

I have been recalibrated with 50 points in “rab”, “They are finished in, the profs !” “I was given 1/16th out of 20 in physics “there is a question mark in the place “of a note !” “In a class of philo, everyone has had 2 out of 20.” “I have a 87 out of 60 in history and geography !” The proof of this ? Candidates for the bachelor’s degree brandish their “sticky” (1). These “stickies” are outliers : notes illegible or absent, errors in the additions, notes that exceed the maximum that can be obtained in such or such a discipline.

Nearly 1,500 candidates lay siege to the Central Service Examinations of the Bachelor, rue Vauquelin. The door is defended by the police, The insults rain down on him : “The rector, to the pole !” “The chickens on the spit !”, “Pay off !” (this is of the 30 N. F. registration for examinations). Sounds a fantastic run. A policeman, softening, provides solutions to a pseudo-Bardot in tears. To 11 hours, the anger rises on the hill of Sainte-Geneviève. For the “fail” of twenty years, it is the military service.


It says : “The ministry !”, and “Session in September !”. But the street is crossed out. The crowd start small packets white. Immediately, the wall of the Service of the tank is littered. Surprise : they stick ! These are small swiss. Income from their amazement, the police officers snapped to the protesters, these soft and white missiles and trample them… How does the “scandal of the tray” he could burst, and that covers there exactly ?…

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A number of candidates parisians discovered, by receiving the notification of their results : (a) the total of the ratings listed in front of each subject was false b) that the coefficient assigned to each discipline has not always been respected. These are errors purely material, but which have taken, especially in Paris, a disturbing magnitude.

How have they been able to occur ? It would be better to ask how, given the conditions in which the correction of the copies of the 70,000 candidates parisians is done, does it not have a higher percentage of errors ? It is known that the session of September has been removed this year – which is a very good measure – as well as the oral tests are mandatory. The baccalaureate holders were therefore subject to a number of written tests. Those who have obtained an average are received. This is the case of Bernard Pays, the son of the minister of national Education, Mr. Lucien Pay. Those who got less than 7 marks out of 20 are eliminated. Those who have obtained less than the average but at least 7 out of 20 are allowed to submit to an “oral control” where, with a new 7 on 20, they will be declared to be received. The all – tests over written and oral – needed to be shipped according to the desire of the ministry of national Education, between 12 June and 1 July. Either a 1 320 000 copies by 232,000 over the course of candidates to correct it in the week.

machine load theoretically to juggle with the notes, the coefficients, averages and tables. They have not been used this year. Why ?… At the ministry, we answer : because, given the insufficiency of qualified staff and the time required to gather the figures that are to supply power to the machinery, the electronic work would have been too slow. Teachers-correctors, certainly, have been faster. But how dare we be surprised that they have made mistakes, given the way in which they had to operate ? The normal task which is the responsibility of the teacher-corrector is the following – Go to search (in Paris, rue de l’abbé-de-l’epée, where the copies are centralized) the batch of 100 to 150 copies that It is loaded correct. (Celtic year, the distribution is performed in such a pagaïe as a corrector of Spanish, has received… a package of the Latin versions.) – Read the copy and note on 10. Indicate the coefficient assigned to the relevant discipline (coefficients, which have varied since last year) and calculate the final grade that will enter in the total points of each candidate. A copy graded 9 and is assigned the factor 3 will therefore be the following statement : 9/20 X 3 = 27/60. – If it is part of a jury, deliberate with his colleagues of the eligibility of each candidate, by reference to a list where are inscribed the name of the student, and his grades in each discipline.

these tasks, have been added this year, the menus work the following – The administration, overwhelmed, was not able to fill out those slips. The teachers have had to do, after you have unsealed themselves each copy with kitchen knives provided by the refectory,” said one of them, – Sum the ratings for each candidate, the wording of the “sticky”. And the sealing. In a centre in paris, a jury of seven professors had, in one day, calculate scores of 150 students in eight different events – 1,200 calculations — and add to the work of handling. At the ministry, where it treats of the top students who “manifest hurt” (sic), it is said about teachers : “They know well from their sub. So why do calculeraient’t they have their notes ?” And it suggests that there has been, on the part of some teachers, a systematic sabotage of the trials. How such an accusation as she could, even slyly, to be worn ?…

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Applicant Guidebook

Because, arguably, some teachers have voluntarily “noted hard”, or that they are not in favour of a system which leads, according to them, the multiplication of cancres, and a significant decline in the general level, or that certain written questions (Valéry on Voltaire, for example) have received a very small number of intelligent answers because they were ill-posed.

some of the failures considered by the candidates as unjustified. But what name should we give to the confrontation between The “Guide for applicants”, with a preface by Mr. Erhard, the director of the Central Service of the Bachelor’s degree, according to which no note is qualifying for the authorization to take the oral control, and the instructions to the members of the juries declaring.., exactly the opposite ? If it is forbidden to assert that no “sabotage” had taken place, it is just outrageous to seek to substitute, in the minds of the public, this explanation is too convenient to the deficiency of the leaders of the national Education and to the mess without precedent that has resulted.

Who, if not the administration, has lost copies ; led some teachers to the juries which were not their own ; forgot to mark the number of copies on the packages of tests given to the prescription ; delayed the arrival of the notes of gymnastics that were ready since one month ; deleted number that is used to classify the events at the end of the review ? The employees of the administration – overwhelmed – are not in question. That is, it is the failure, which has become proverbial, staff and premises.

the State and The citizens

On the practical level : Decision of the minister ; and copies (estimated at 240 000) of the candidates not admitted to be present at the oral within the Academy of Paris (9 departments) will again be examined by the juries. This is to deny the material errors, and to question the competence of the examiners. The teachers are opposed to it. It is the war.

The tray will not come out grew up in the adventure. In fact, what is it that the State imposes to the pupils of free schools, an examination which determines their ability to access higher education, nothing is more normal. The pupils of the public schools would be more usefully and more seriously considered on the average of the scores obtained during the high school years. In addition to that a diploma obtained in these conditions shall oblige may be working regularly and seriously instead of “bachoter”.

The boys and fines which have had, that year, their first contact with “the State” through the misadventures of the bacho”, we will have a good look to blame later, “the unreliability of the French”. When the State is making fun of its citizens, the citizens are laughing at him.

(1) Sticky notification of results in writing, possibly with the invitation to the oral control.

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Bachelor 2019 : 88.1 percent success after the catch-up Tray : a student receives a zero in English, because his copy had not been corrected “SOS bac hello” : parents of students and students respond to the distress of candidates

The first candidate

one Hundred and ten thousand young women are presented to the bachelor’s degree. There are exactly hundred years ago in 1861, there was… one. The first. Julie-Victoire Daublé. And she was 37 years old ! Because his application had been delayed several times, with indignation, the rector of Paris, deeming it “outrecuidante” and of a nature to cause a scandal that rejaillirait on the university.”It is in Lyon that, in the end, she received permission to be present. Julie-Victoire Daublé was the eighth child of a modest accountant. She was, ten years later, a bachelor of arts.