To “block the shock of knowledge”, three teaching unions have called for a national strike for this Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

A new strike this week. The main education unions have announced the holding of a strike for this Tuesday, May 14, 2024. CGT éduc’action, Fnec FP-FO and SUD education are calling for mobilization to obtain the necessary means for the success of their students, for their salary and against the “clash of knowledge”. For trade union organizations, the shock of knowledge is a “renunciation of any emancipatory ambition of the School and establishes assumed segregation between students in difficulty and others as well as social discrimination”.

“It is not a shock of knowledge that National Education needs, but rather a shock of means and salaries” jointly explain the CGT éduc’action, the Fnec FP-FO and SUD education who are calling for to an “amplification” of all mobilizations for the day of May 14. With mobilization that lasts over time, the unions hope to obtain “satisfaction of demands”.

The inter-union call dated May 6 invites “staff to meet in order to discuss the consequences and modalities of mobilization.” “The government’s retreat from the planned elimination of overtime and IMP shows that it fears the generalization of mobilizations and strikes,” add the union organizations. In Lyon (Rhône), for example, national mobilization will be followed. A rally is planned in front of the rectoral of the Capital of Gaul, from 2 p.m.

“The organization of French and mathematics teaching in groups of levels in middle school is a real gas factory, harmful for students, particularly for the most vulnerable and which will degrade the services of all staff, including in 1 er degree, where pressure is emerging to try to force CM2 teachers to sort their students in the perspective of 6th grade groups” denounces the inter-union which fears a “social sorting” between students.

“The reform of the professional path is in line with the logic of liberalization of the labor market, by reducing the training offers for young people, whatever their wishes, to the needs of the employment pool and by imposing a differentiated path reducing time at school” deplores the inter-union. A new event with parents is already planned for May 25.