Luke P., who, as a member of the Tattookillers, ” a life sentence is required, is on Tuesday escaped and is now missing in action, agrees with the Public Prosecutor (OM) Thursday

now, prosecutors in Rotterdam and made his escape well-known in the high-security court room, where, on Thursday a case against the four Tattookillers should be. It is not clear where P. is now located. Justice is looking for him.

the P. a was a pre-trial detention released from prison and was wearing an ankle bracelet. Since Tuesday night may be the bracelet will not longer be monitored. According to a spokesman AT the ankle is probably cut in half. Since then, lacking any trace of it.

in The case of the Tattookillers is running to the winding-up of a former gang member, Onno Kuut, 2009. At the P. and three others, has been a lifelong toll. The lawyers of the four defendants and to plead for absolution. All of the suspects will have to rely on their right to remain silent.

The Tattookillers, which is the big Chinese characters on their backs and have tattoos, are suspected to be in the order of people to be settled. Kuut, it would be as a member of the group on a winding-up by mistake, another person from the criminal underworld will have you killed. This would be the allies may have been compromised.

the Body of Kuut were found by hikers in the sand dunes

The body of a Kuut was launched in march 2009 by the walkers in the dunes of Hoek van Holland is found. He appeared to have been tortured, and his throat had been cut.

The court may already have jurisdiction to decide it, but it has been delayed. There might not be enough evidence against the accused, so that there is more research needed to be done. Five witnesses were to be heard.

During the session on Thursday, the results of this research will be published. It is TO be made at the hearing are known by the strafeis to keep up.