SUBJECT BAC NSI. The 2nd part of the candidates registered for the 2023 baccalaureate exams in the “digital and computer sciences” (NSI) specialty are working on the subject this Tuesday, March 21. Find here all the subjects and corrections of the NSI 2023 baccalaureate.

[Updated on March 21, 2023 at 11:43 a.m.] Last straight line for candidates for the “Numerical and Computer Science” (NSI) specialty exams for the 2023 General Baccalaureate! If the first half of the registered candidates passed the test on Monday March 20 (the subject and the answer key are available), the 2nd half passes this Tuesday March 21 with a test scheduled from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

This written test, which will count for 12 points of the final grade, is a significant passage in terms of scale and points to be garnered. The first topics and answers for Monday March 20 are to be found on this page, before the topics and answers for Tuesday March 21 to be found from 4 p.m. below.

The test begins at 2 p.m. for the second part of candidates for the NSI specialty test for the 2023 baccalaureate. The subject will be available below from 4 p.m. thanks to our partner Studyrama.

The first half of the NSI baccalaureate candidates took the exam on Monday, March 20, 2023. The test started at 2 p.m. and lasted until 5:30 p.m. How is the test going? In three hours and thirty minutes, candidates must choose from three of the five exercises that make up the test. It is their knowledge of programming and the operating system that is put to the test and which must enable candidates to answer all questions, whether they relate to data processing, mastery of algorithms or programming. . Digital and computer sciences also have a technical aspect. This test will then be completed by a practical part, the date of which has not yet been communicated by the Ministry of National Education.

With our partner Studyrama, we invite you to find this Monday, March 20 the answer key for the NSI test started at 2 p.m. for the first part of the candidates. This answer key is a proposed answer key produced for Studyrama by a specialized teacher.

French high school students abroad who have chosen the NSI specialty have already had the NSI test a few days before the tests of March 20 or 21 for the other high schools. These new annals are a good way to practice a few days before D-Day. With Studyrama you can find below the topic that fell on Monday, March 14.

The 3h30 test was made up of three exercises independent of each other and three distinct themes: the first on relational databases and the SQL language; the second on networks and routing protocols and the third on File structures.

For the subjects who fell in Polynesia, they will complete your revisions and are a good way to train before D-Day. Thanks to Studyrama, here are the subjects of 2023 in NSI of Polynesia.

For the second subject of specialty NSI of Polynesia, the form of the examination is identical but the bottom different, here is the second test, that of Tuesday March 14.

The first exercise was about binary trees; the second on databases, and mainly the relational model and the SQL language; and the last exercise on the theme of hardware architecture, and more particularly processes and their scheduling.

What were candidates assessed on in the NSI 2022 bac test? For your latest revisions, find them through our partnership with Studyrama.

Answer keys for the 2022 “Numerical and Computer Science” exam are available below thanks to our partner Studyrama. They allow candidates to practice as well as possible and to test themselves before the tests of this year 2023.

Of the six topics that make up the NSI curriculum during the school year, only five can fall on the day of the exam. Five exercises are proposed to the written candidate: they can relate to any chapter of these five themes. On D-Day, the high school student must choose three exercises from the five to choose from, depending on what he has studied the most in class.

In addition, the Ministry of National Education has classified the subjects of each subject between the chapters likely to be assessed this year, and those which are not assessable in the specialty test, which facilitates revisions. Among these themes you will find in your exercises:

The NSI test has been fixed, like all the other specialty education exams, in March. The NSI written test was scheduled for Monday March 20 and Tuesday March 21, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in mainland France and Mayotte. The event will take place earlier in the DROM-COM, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The candidates had 3h30 to pass these tests, knowing that the subjects are different depending on the day of the call. The date of the practical part is not yet communicated.

The NSI specialty test is divided into two parts. The first is written and the second is practical. For writing, which counts for 12 points out of 20 in the evaluation of the subject, the candidate must choose three exercises that he wishes to deal with out of the five proposed in all. He has 3h30 to answer the three chosen exercises, knowing that each of them is worth 4 points. For the practical part, which can bring back up to 8 points out of twenty, it is a question of solving two exercises on computer in one hour of allotted time.

For the content of the test, one of the two exercises must relate to the main entries in the programs. In all cases, this test assesses the technical skills of the candidates on the subjects studied during the year.

A priori, the results of the Digital and Computer Science specialty test will be available on July 4, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.